Cortistatin (neuropeptide)

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Cortistatin (neuropeptide)
Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 14/17/29 amino acids
Precursor Preprocortistatin (105 aa)
Gene name CORT
External IDs
Homology family Somatostatin
Parent taxon Vertebrates

Cortistatin (CST) ( Gen -Name: CORT ) hot three neuropeptides in vertebrates , which (in inhibitory inhibitory ) neurons of the cerebral cortex expressed are structurally and somatostatin similar. The three different peptides are named cortistatin-14, -17 and -29 according to their number of amino acids and arise from the precursor preprocortistatin through post-translational modification .

Unlike somatostatin, it promotes deep sleep when introduced into the brain. It binds to receptors in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and the amygdala .

Individual evidence

  1. UniProt O00230
  2. de Lecea L, Castaño JP: Cortistatin: not just another somatostatin analog . In: Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab . 2, No. 7, July 2006, pp. 356-7. doi : 10.1038 / ncpendmet0219 . PMID 16932314 .
  3. Ejeskär K, Abel F, Sjöberg R, Bäckström J, Kogner P, Martinsson T: Fine mapping of the human preprocortistatin gene (CORT) to neuroblastoma consensus deletion region 1p36.3 → p36.2, but absence of mutations in primary tumors . In: Cytogenet. Cell Genet. . 89, No. 1-2, 2000, pp. 62-6. PMID 10894940 .
  4. de Lecea L, Criado JR, Prospero-Garcia O, et al. : A cortical neuropeptide with neuronal depressant and sleep-modulating properties . In: Nature . 381, No. 6579, May 1996, pp. 242-5. doi : 10.1038 / 381242a0 . PMID 8622767 .