Cosmobilities Network

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The Cosmobilities Network is an association of social scientists from the international area with a geographical focus on Europe and was founded in 2004 by the sociologists John Urry and Sven Kesselring as part of the then Collaborative Research Center 536 (Reflexive Modernization) in Munich. The network operates without a registered legal form and was funded by the German Research Foundation from 2005 to 2009 . It organizes international conferences every one to two years with theoretical and empirical contributions to social science mobility research .


  • Ole B. Jensen, Sven Kesselring, Mimi Sheller (eds.): Mobilities and Complexities . Routledge, 2018.
  • Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Sven Kesselring: Exploring Networked Urban Mobilities. Theories, Concepts, Ideas . Routledge, New York 2017.
  • Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Kevin Hannam, Sven Kesselring: Applied mobilities, transitions and opportunities . 2016.
  • Marcel Endres, Katharina Manderscheid, Christophe Mincke: The mobilities paradigm: Discourses and ideologies. Transport and society . Routledge, London / New York 2016.
  • Seven Kesselring, Gerlinde Vogl, Susanne Witzgall: New Mobilities Regimes. The Analytical Power of the Social Sciences and the Arts . Ashgate, Aldershot / Burlington 2013.
  • Monika Büscher, John Urry, Katian Witchger: Mobile methods . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon / New York 2010.
  • Saulo Cwerner, Sven Kesselring, John Urry: Aeromobilities . Routledge, London 2009
  • Timo Ohnmacht, Hanja Maksim, Manfred M. Bergman: Mobilities and inequality. Transport and society . Ashgate, Burlington 2009.
  • Weert Canzler, Vincent Kaufmann, Sven Kesselring: Tracing Mobilities. Towards a cosmopolitan perspective . Ashgate, Aldershot / Burlington 2008.
  • John Urry: Mobilities . Polity Press. Cambridge et al. a. 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SFB 536: Reflexive Modernization - Analyzes on the Transformation of Industrial Modernity. German Research Foundation, accessed June 25, 2017 .
  2. Detail page: Scientific network “Cosmobilities Network”. German Research Foundation, accessed June 25, 2017 .