Court Tomb by Creevymore

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Different forms of court tombs

Since 1912 on OS maps posted Court Tomb of Creevymore ( Irish At Chraobhaigh Mhór ) is located about 1.1 km west of the Court Tomb of Creevykeel , about 500 m north of the Cliffony and about 1.6 km from the Trawalua beach in County Sligo in Ireland . Court Tombs are among the megalithic chamber tombs ( English chambered tombs ) of the British Isles . With around 400 specimens, they are found almost exclusively in Ulster in the north of Ireland or in Northern Ireland .

From the severely disturbed Stone Age Court Tomb, the roughly west-east oriented gallery in its narrow hill survived. It seems to have been a maximum of 2.0 m wide. The gallery consists of nine orthostats . Two stones look like posts and mark the 80 cm wide entrance. The stone on the north side measures 1.3 × 1.15 m, the other 95 × 45 cm. Both are about three feet high. Two large blocks on the north side of the gallery protrude about 25 cm from the hill. They are flat stones with straight insides. The eastern one measures 1.45 × 0.9 m, the western 95 × 60 cm. A small stone near the west end could be a piece of another orthostat. The opposite side of the gallery has four stones. They are 25 to 35 cm thick and vary in length from 85 cm to 1.3 m. A kink in the alignment, about 3.0 m from the west end of the gallery, indicates segmentation. The end of the gallery is marked by the broken end stone, which measures 1.25 × 0.45 m and is 50 cm high. The length of the gallery and the arrangement of the orthostats suggest that it probably had three chambers. The remaining hill, which is up to 0.75 m high, measures around 9.0 × 50.0 m.

Nearby are the Wedge Tombs by Coolbeg and Carrownamaddoo 2

See also


  • Seán Ó Nualláin: Survey of the megalithic tombs of Ireland. Volume V: County Sligo. 1989, ISBN 0-7076-0080-4 .
  • Elizabeth Shee Twohig: Irish Megalithic tombs Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire 1990, ISBN 0-7478-0094-4 .
  • Jürgen E. Walkowitz: The megalithic syndrome. European cult sites of the Stone Age (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. Vol. 36). Beier & Beran, Langenweißbach 2003, ISBN 3-930036-70-3 .

Coordinates: 54 ° 26 '19.3 "  N , 8 ° 26' 0.2"  W.