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The cuartillo was a Spanish-Portuguese measure of volume and was used for grain , oil and wine .

The dimensional chain was

Length measure

Length dimension

Field measure


  • Pierer 's Universal Lexicon, Volume 4. Altenburg 1858, p. 563
  • Brockhaus ' Kleines Konversations-Lexikon, fifth edition, volume 1. Leipzig 1911, p. 377.
  • Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Volume 4. Leipzig 1906, p. 362.
  • For silver: The universal calculator for business transactions: Contains the conversion of coins, weights, etc. Dimensions of all countries in the world. Volume 1, Moritz Ruhl, Leipzig 1870, p. 80.
  • Jakob Heinrich Kaltschmidt : The latest and most complete foreign dictionary to explain all words and expressions borrowed from foreign languages. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1870, p. 244.