Cyber ​​cop

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A cyber police officer is an investigator for a law enforcement agency - often the police - who specializes in the prosecution and detection of cyber crime . The term online investigator can also be used synonymously .

In Germany , the exact number of online investigators is not known, but the activity includes special training in which technical knowledge in particular is imparted. Primary offenses that are tracked by cyber police are mainly pornography , violence , hate speech and racism . Any formation of criminal organizations should also be prevented. In the event of illegal activities, the authors can be tracked down using technical processes (for example using an IP address), which can lead to criminal prosecution, for example access by regular police units, which is followed by a legal process that can result in imprisonment. In addition to these criminal offenses, copyright infringements can also be investigated on the Internet. The situation for EU countries is often problematic when the offenders act from other European countries.

In countries such as the People's Republic of China , cyber police are used specifically to monitor opponents of the regime . Their statements critical of the system can later be used as a basis for political persecution . In countries with such practices, cyber police officers can also make targeted websites with undesirable content inaccessible ; certain terms and search results are blocked on search engines .

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