DBV-Winterthur Holding

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DBV-Winterthur Holding AG , an insurance company widespread in Germany , was a subsidiary of the Swiss Winterthur Group , Winterthur , with headquarters in Wiesbaden and most recently 4370 employees.

At the end of 2006, the last CEO of DBV-Winterthur changed to the new owner Axa , the original company name initially remained. As of January 1, 2008, the employees of DBV-Winterthur were transferred to employees of the AXA companies (according to a report by DBV-Winterthur, as of May 2008). The name Winterthur now only stands for one AXA insurance company in Switzerland.


Building in Offenbach (2009)

In 1929 the life insurance company for the army and navy merged with the Prussian pension insurance company and the Kaiser-Wilhelms donation to form the "Deutsche Beamten-Versicherung" public life and pension insurance company " DBV . In 1990 the holding company was founded and in 1996 it merged with Winterthur-Versicherung in Munich and changed its name to DBV-Winterthur Holding AG.

55 percent of the premium income was in life insurance , 27 percent in health insurance and 18 percent in non- life insurance. Headquarters of DBV-Winterthur was Wiesbaden , a management operation consisted in Munich , service centers were also in Hamburg , Offenbach and Cologne . The company offers insurance products in the areas of life, health and non-life insurance, as well as financing and investments . Today it is a subsidiary of AXA Konzern AG and thus internationally integrated into the AXA Group.

Web links

  • www.dbv.de - Website of the DBV Deutsche Beamtenversicherung AG in Wiesbaden

Individual evidence

  1. www.axa-winterthur.ch
  2. www.axa.de/wir-ueber-uns/historie-und-ffekten , accessed on July 16, 2016.