Umbrella association of administrative judges

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Umbrella Association of Administrative
Judges (DVVR)
legal form Professional association
founding 15th January 2014
Seat Vienna

The umbrella association of administrative judges (DVVR) is a professional association based in Vienna ( Austria ).


The DVVR became possible and necessary in the course of the 2012 amendment to administrative jurisdiction and the associated establishment of real administrative courts (see above UVS ) in Austria.

On January 15, 2014, the existing judicial interest groups at the administrative courts in Austria decided to found the DVVR.



The administrative jurisdiction in Austria, which was greatly changed in 2012 and in some cases newly created, is assigned to different legal entities (federal government and federal states). As a result of federalism, different organizational, service and salary rights for the administrative judges are connected.

The declared goal is therefore to promote uniform service and salary law for all judges in Austria and to promote joint training and further training. According to DVVR, the necessary measures include:

  • a joint institute for judicial training (based on the Swiss model)
  • a common "service court" for all judges,
  • adequate remuneration and
  • the inclusion of the judicial professional representation in legal projects.


Members of the umbrella association are:

  • Association of Austrian Administrative Judges (also: Association of Judges of the Administrative Court),
  • Association of judges of the Federal Administrative Court,
  • Association of Finance Judges
  • Administrative Judges Association (VRV)

Decision making

"Statements and statements of all kinds that are made in the name of the umbrella association require the consent of all interest groups represented in the umbrella association". In doing so, "the interest groups represented in the umbrella organization can unanimously appoint a spokesperson for individual or a specific group of matters."

Opinion on the Austrian emergency clause

To said of the Austrian Government on 20 January 2016 concrete numbers of asylum applications, which one believes in the framework of the refugee crisis in Europe from 2015 still be able to cope, the DVVR has on April 20, 2016. This legislation motivated by critical and the alleged emergency position and warned "against the intended experiment of circumcision of legal protection required by Union and constitutional law for reasons of public order and internal security".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Joint declaration of the judicial interest groups for the establishment of an umbrella organization , website of the Administrative Judges Association, January 21, 2014, last accessed on February 18, 2017.
  2. ^ Administrative judges found umbrella organization , website of the Administrative Judges Association, April 1, 2014, last accessed on February 18, 2017.
  3. ^ Administrative judges found umbrella organization , website of the Administrative Judges Association, April 1, 2014, last accessed on February 18, 2017.
  4. See also: Resolution of the National Council of May 7, 2012 on measures to promote permeability between the ordinary courts and the administrative courts.
  5. ^ The first year - professional representation, umbrella organization and Europe , website of the Association of Administrative Judges, January 5, 2014, last accessed on February 18, 2017.
  6. ^ Administrative judges found umbrella organization , website of the Administrative Judges Association, April 1, 2014, last accessed on February 18, 2017.
  7. ^ Administrative judges found umbrella organization , website of the Administrative Judges Association, April 1, 2014, last accessed on February 18, 2017.
  8. ↑ Upper limit fixed until 2019, implementation completely open , Der Standard , January 20, 2016, last accessed on January 18, 2017 and Austria's upper limit for asylum Ein Signal und ein Erufruf , NZZ , January 21, 2016, last accessed on February 18, 2017 .
  9. See: Lena Karasz in Die Invention des Notstands,, May 24, 2016, last accessed on February 18, 2017. Likewise, the Austrian Bar Association and the Association of Austrian Judges . See also: DVVR statement on the website of the Austrian National Council, April 20, 2016, last accessed on February 18, 2017.