Dapao lake

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Dapao lake
Geographical location Lanao del Sur Province , Mindanao , Philippines
Drain to the river Matling
Places on the shore Pualas
Coordinates 7 ° 47 '10 "  N , 124 ° 2' 36"  E Coordinates: 7 ° 47 '10 "  N , 124 ° 2' 36"  E
Dapao Lake (Philippines)
Dapao lake
Altitude above sea level 960  m
surface 10.11 km²
Middle deep 120 m

The Dapao Lake (English: Lake Dapao) is an inland lake on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines . The lake is located approximately 7 km southwest of the municipality of Ganassi and Lake Lanao in the area of ​​the municipality of Pualas . It covers an area of ​​10.11 km² and is 120 meters deep. His runoff flows into the Matling , in Malabang in the Illana Bay flows.

The aqua vegetation is dominated by the alga Cladophora sp. and the ground nettle ( Hydrilla verticillata ). The fish stocks mainly consist of the snakehead fish Channa striata , the Mozambique cichlid ( Oreochromis mossambicus ), the goby Glossogobius giurus , the carp ( Cyprinus carpio ) and predatory catfish ( Clarias sp.). These fish species are also used for commercial fishing.

Lake Dapao and the surrounding area to the west was declared Lake Dapao National Park in 1965 and covers an area of ​​22.24 km².

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Individual evidence

  1. a b See web link ASEAN Center for Biodiversity