Dark Side of Daedalus Con

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The Dark Side of Daedalus Con is a convention by fans for fans that takes place once a year. While it took place on a weekend in May or September in 2008 and 2009, it will now take place at the beginning of November. It is now known not only across Germany, but also internationally. Guests come from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, England, the USA and Australia, among others.

The focus is on science fiction , fantasy , LARP and role play .

The Dark Side of Daedalus Con differs from other Cons through the concept of "fewer stars, more fan groups and fans in the program". In addition to the stars' program, a wide variety of performances by individual fan groups and clubs play a key role in the program.

Some of the fan groups, which together have over 10,000 members worldwide, have been closely associated with this convention in the history of its founding. Mostly it was the German departments that were founded at this event or have their first appearance. The Dark Side of Daedalus Con is a continuation of the pre-existing Dark Side Convention. The new name should indicate that all types of science fiction are welcome and represented at the con.


The program items include, among others

  • Autograph sessions,
  • Role, board and card game area,
  • Photoshootings with the stars,
  • Author readings,
  • Workshops,
  • Art and model making exhibitions,
  • Concerts,
  • Fan films,
  • Fan performances,
  • Question & answer hours,
  • Exhibitions of original film props,
  • Costume contests
  • and much more.

Furthermore, some dealers offer a wide range of science fiction and fantasy products.

History and guests of honor

The Dark Side of Daedalus Con emerged from the Dark Side Con, which had mainly focused on Star Wars . In 2008 the first Daedalus Con took place, which now included the Dark Side Con. The focus of the Dark Side Con continued to be Star Wars, while Star Trek and Stargate were added with the Daedalus Con . But fans and fan groups from other areas of science fiction (e.g. Battlestar Galactica ) and fantasy (e.g. Conan) also came. It should also be added that many of the fans are not only interested in one area of ​​science fiction. So it can be B. be that a Star Trek fan is also a Stargate fan and u. U. fan groups belonged to both areas. Likewise, sci-fi fans can also be interested in fantasy and have appropriate costumes ready so that they can e.g. B. are disguised as a Wraith on one day of the Con, the next day as a drow or the disguise changes on the same day, e.g. B. in the morning as a Stargate officer, in the evening as a Klingon. As a result of this phenomenon, the con today includes a wide range of sci-fi and fantasy. A Stargate-LARP takes place on at least one day of the con and role players who prefer to unpack the dice and devote themselves to pen & paper are always welcome.

The Con has been called Dark Side of Daedalus since 2010, with additions to its name in a few years, and a number of guests of honor are invited to the event every year. In addition to the guests of honor (Freddy Bee (comedian), Klingolaus (Klingon Nicholas) and the SciFi reporter Robert Vogel), the following celebrities were guests at the Con:

meeting Surname place Guests of honor
May 30 - June 1, 2008 Daedalus Con Erich Brühmann House, Bochum-Werne Barrie Holland, Derek Lyons
September 18-20, 2009 Daedalus Con: The return of the sock Erich Brühmann House, Bochum-Werne Alan Flyng, Derek Lyons
November 05-07, 2010 Dark Side of Daedalus Erich Brühmann House, Bochum-Werne Alan Flyng, Janet and Larry Nemecek
November 04-06, 2011 Dark Side of Daedalus: Reloaded Erich Brühmann House, Bochum-Werne Alan Flyng, Pam Rose, Trevor Butterfield, Peter Roy
November 02-04, 2012 Dark Side of Starship Daedalus Erich Brühmann House, Bochum-Werne Andrew Herd, John Chapman
November 8-10, 2013 Dark Side of Daedalus VI Fritz Husemann House, Recklinghausen Paul Markham, Ken Coombs, Ann-Kathrin Karschnick
November 8–9, 2014 Dark Side of Daedalus 2014 Bürgerhaus-Süd, Recklinghausen Bill Blair

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