The Joshua Profile (novel)

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The Joshua profile is a psychological thriller by the writer Sebastian Fitzek from 2015. The novel is about the unsuccessful writer Max Rhode, whose only successful work is The Blood School . At the same time, Fitzek published The Blood School under the pseudonym Max Rhode.


At the beginning of the story, the writer Max Rhode, whose only successful novel is called The Blood School , where a father wants to teach his two children to kill, goes to school with his foster daughter Jola for a parenting interview . After the conversation, he received a call from a stranger who told him to come to the intensive care unit at the Westend hospital because he didn't have much life left. Max drives from school with Jola to the hospital immediately, she waits in the car after arrival. When he confronts the burnt offering, the latter tells him that Joshua chose him and that he must not commit a crime under any circumstances. Shortly afterwards the man dies. Meanwhile, Jola is kidnapped by a stranger who pretends to be a doctor and given knockout drops . But she reappears. Max's wife Kim, with whom he has been separated for a long time, reproaches him for leaving her alone.

Two months later, Max and Jola are driving home from a parenting interview when suddenly Max's convicted pedophile brother Cosmo is standing in the driveway. He says he can now get out of prison at certain times because the "sex drive" has almost disappeared. He has read Max's Die Blutschule and would like to give him a few comments. However, the conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Melanie Pfeiffer, employee of the youth welfare office, and her colleague Mr. Schodrow and Cosmo disappears. Pfeiffer makes it clear that Max did not return several attempts at contact and that Jola should be returned to her birth parents, as they have been rehabilitated. Max panics, locks Pfeiffer and Schodrow in his office and drives away with Jola in his VW Beetle . Meanwhile, he calls his friend and lawyer "Toffi", whose real name is Christoph Marx, and asks him for help. During the phone call, the car was rammed from the side and Max passed out. When he wakes up he is in the hospital and his daughter has disappeared. He receives commands from her through a radio ear plug in his ear (covered by a bandage). He disappears from the hospital with a hand grenade slipped into him and takes the package delivery woman Frida Blum hostage, who drives him to Cosmo.

After Max looks at Cosmo's remarks, which also describe the events of that time, which Max can no longer properly remember, he realizes that Jola must be hidden where his father killed him and his brother back then wanted to teach. He finds Jola and is able to save her after a fight with the kidnapper . When Jola begins to lead a normal life again, Cosmo discovers the return of his pedophilia and hangs himself for fear of harming Jola.


  • Max Rhode: the main character, an unsuccessful writer whose only successful work Blood school is
  • Cosmo Rhode: his brother, convicted pedophile
  • Kim Rhode: Pilot, his wife
  • Jola Rhode: Max and Kim's foster daughter
  • Christoph Marx ("Toffi"): his lawyer
  • Frida Blum: Parcel deliverer, is first taken hostage by Max Rhode, helps him later
  • Commissioner Stoya: lead investigator
  • Commissioner Berthold: his colleague
  • Melanie Pfeiffer: (Ex) employee of the youth welfare office


The novel was filmed under the title The Joshua Profile . The RTL production was broadcast for the first time on March 30, 2018.

Text output

  • Sebastian Fitzek: The Joshua profile . Bastei Lübbe, Cologne 2015, 432 pages, ISBN 978-3-785725450 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "The Joshua Profile" on RTL. In: Raschke Entertainment GmbH, March 25, 2018, accessed on July 18, 2018 .