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Dataphernes was a 4th century BC. Living Persian nobleman at the time of Alexander the Great's Asian campaign .


Dataphernes may have been of Bactrian ancestry. He was one of the closest confidants of the Bactrian satrap Bessos , who in July 330 BC. The Persian great king Dareios III. eliminated. But when Bessus was as little as before Darius III. aligned against Alexander the Great, Dataphernes and Spitamenes offered at the beginning of 329 BC. BC to the victorious Macedonian conqueror the delivery of the Bessos. On behalf of Alexander, Ptolemy took on the task of capturing Bessus. Later he told in his Alexander story, which he wrote himself and which he had received from Arrian , that Dataphernes and Spitamenes had wavered again in their decision to extradite. Thereupon he hurried ahead of his corps with the cavalry, surrounded the place in which Bessos was staying and had the villagers surrender it, while Dataphernes and Spitamenes had already moved away. According to Aristobulus , however, Dataphernes and Spitamenes themselves would have passed Bessos over to Ptolemy without any circumstances, which version the later ancient historians preferred. In any case, Dataphernes subsequently joined in the further revolt of the Spitamenes against Alexander, but was after his murder by the Dahae around the end of 328 BC. Delivered to the Macedonian king.



  1. Ptolemaios, FGrH 138, F 14 in Arrian, Anabasis 3, 29, 6 - 30, 2.
  2. Aristobulus in Arrian, Anabasis 3, 30, 5; see. Quintus Curtius Rufus , Historia Alexandri Magni 7, 5, 21-26; Diodor , Bibliothḗkē historikḗ 17, 83, 8; Iustinus , Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi 12, 5, 10.
  3. ^ Curtius Rufus, Historia Alexandri Magni 8, 3, 16.