De Hel van Twente

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De Hel van Twente (German: The Hell of Twente ) is a Dutch touring trip that has been held annually in May since 1988. The start and finish are in Almelo , the Netherlands , and the organizer is the local cycling club De Ruiten Drie .

Different routes and lengths are offered, which can be between 100 and 250 km.

A special feature of this event is that this mainly teams of penal - and police - sports clubs from all over Europe are invited. In the year before the first edition, the first World Police and Fire Games took place, and the idea was to establish a counterpart in cycling , which was also successful. Nevertheless, the "Hel" is not an invitation race or is restricted to a certain group of participants. In addition to the aforementioned group of people, cycling clubs and amateurs also take part. In 2006, 1,542 cyclists took part.

The name comes from the fact that in the actually flat landscape of Twente an often steady and strong wind blows, which then makes driving hell for the drivers.

De Hel van Twente has been accepted into the Brevet des Cyclistes , a series of demanding touring rides whose counterpart in Germany is the BDR Super Cup. The NTFU has categorized Hel van Twente with two stars.

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Individual evidence

  1. Source: Aachener Zeitung dated May 30, 2006