De Uilenreeks

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lili rere
DU 28, Duinkerken / Kelk: Poëzie uit den Pruijkentijd , cover and title page (1936)
DU 2, Labberton: Don't forget , belly band

De Uilenreeks ( The Owl Series ) was a Dutch book series, the first editions of which were published by Bigot en Van Rossum , a publisher founded in Amsterdam in 1934, with 51 titles between 1934 and 1947, with numbers ranging from 1 to 52 without the number 15. The series program contained mainly Dutch poetry and prose, but also some translations by internationally known authors.

Equipment and price of the series volumes

The design of the cardboard cover of the series is reminiscent of the German Insel-Bücherei (1912 ff.), Perhaps this also provided the impetus for series production. The book cover bears, corresponding to the series name, monochrome stylized owls, which are repeated like a pattern on a white or colored background. In contrast to the Insel-Bücherei with its diverse cover variants, only one cover pattern was used for “De Uilenreeks”.

The author and book title are named with the number of the series volume on a title label. The back label sometimes only repeats the title. The year of issue of the ribbon is only partially mentioned on the title page. This also bears the publisher's signature of Bigot en van Rossum in the form of a flower, which is formed from the two initials of the name, and the publisher's motto "Boeken verrijken" ( enriching books ).

Many volumes achieved multiple editions. In these cases, the cover colors of a title can change from edition to edition. So-called belly bands were also used for advertising purposes, e.g. B. in the first edition of DU 2.

The ribbons were initially given for 0.75, later, at least from DU 43, for 0.95 guilders .

Title plate variants

The title label was partly stuck on in black and white, partly also printed in the cover colors, so in this case it was part of the cover paper. Individual title plates were also designed a little more elaborately with illustrations, mostly in the cover colors, as with DU 27, 30 or 40.

List of series titles

DU no. author title illustrator Pages
(ground / owl pattern)
issue year
1 C. [Cornelis] J. [Jan] Kelk,
Halbo C. Koo (Eds.)
Nieuwste Dichtkunst - 72 yellow-green 1934 7th
2 Mien Labberton Vergaat Wat niet
What does not pass
- 78
light blue / green
olive / white
3 CJ Kelk, Halbo C. Kool Middelnederlandsche lyriek - 78 white / light green 3
4th J. Sjollema Napelsgeel en hemelsblauw
Naples yellow and sky blue
- 59 yellow / brown 2
5 Raymond Herreman,
Marnix Gijsen
Vlaamsche Verzen van dezen tijd
Flemish verses from today
- 80 White Brown 5
6th Jeanna Oterdahl
(translation: Ag. Lind)
Ruth, de little queen Co van Chevallier 54
light purple / ocher
white / ocher
7th Ivan Boenin
(Introduction: Prof. Dr. S. Frank)
(Translation: Aleida Gerarda Schot, Bruno Oscar Becker)
De zaak Kornet Jelagin
The " Cornet Jelagin" affair
- 62 yellow / brown 3
8th Friedrich Schiller
(Transfer: CJ Kelk)
William Tell 4 b / w panels 70 white / purple 1935 3
9 Antoon Cool Peerke de Haas
The hare Perke
- 72 ocher / white 4th
10 CJ Kelk Variatie op het thema Vrouw
Variations on the theme of women
- 68 White blue 1
11 Tony de Ridder De overkant
The other side
- 84 white / purple 5
12 Aldous Huxley De Gioconda glimlach. Het portret (vertaald door H. Balfoort)
Gioconda's smile
- 72 blue / white
yellow / red
13 Helma Wolf-Catz Het gezin
The family
- 84 NN 1
14th Mien Labberton Jeugd in de branding
Youth in the surf
- 68 white / red
red / white
15th NN NN - NN NN NN NN
16 CJ Kelk, Halbo Kool Modern lyriek - 71 rust red / white 1935 5
17th Johan Wesselink De zomertocht van den reus
The giant's summer tour
- 65 green yellow 2
18th Arthur Goldsteen
(Introduction: Richard Roland Holst)
Een Teekenaar door Iberië
A draftsman through Siberia
drawings 64 ocher / white 1
19th WM Garsjin De roode bloem
The red flower
- 79 rust red / white 1
20th Corrie Jacobs, Tony de Ridder Het licht der wereld
The light of the world
Clara van Mesdag 38 rust red / white 1
21st Mien Labberton Bright horizon
The bright horizon
- 91 green white 5
22nd CJ Kelk A kind of Uncle Sam - 61 blue White 1936 1
23 Tony de Ridder Van den Akker Ernst Schottelins (Photos) 64 Prussian blue / white 1
24 Anton van Duinkerken Vondel's Lyriek - 96 white / dark blue 1
25th Jan Poortenaar Ons is born 21 medieval images 47 rust red / white 1
26th Jeanna Oterdahl
(translation: JE Schipper-Kuiper)
Het kind uit de diepte The child from below
- 52 yellow / white
green / white
27 Paul Guermonprez Adams vijfde rib
Adam's fifth rib
Leo meter 46 white / gray 3
28 Anton van Duinkerken, CJ Kelk Poëzie uit den Pruikentijd poetry from the wig era
- 78 turquoise / brown 1
29 Helma Wolf-Catz One night - 93 yellow white 1
30th Jan Engelman Adam zelf de heeren der schepping op den keper bekeken
Adam himself, the lord of creation, looks on the body
Lettie Nije 48 rust red / white 1937 2
31 Cornelis Veth Gisteren en vandaag
yesterday and today
Lettie Nije unpaginated blue White 1
32 CJ Kelk, Halbo Kool Stekelbaarzen en hekelvaerzen
sticklebacks and Hekelvaerzen
- 68 light blue / white 1
33 Anton van Duinkerken Twee square meter
two square meters
- 82 green white 1938 3
34 Paul Guermonprez Eva's jongste wicked
Eva's youngest daughter
Leo meter 47 white / purple 1
35 Sinclair Lewis
(translation: Edouard de Nève = pseudonym of Willem Johan Marie Lenglet)
Koninkje - 116 brown / white 1
36 JPH Krijgsman Een vlucht door zeven eeuwen poëzie
A flight through seven centuries of poetry
- 175 NN 2
37 Henriëtte Mooij Bij de bloemen
When the flowers
- 64 NN 1939 2
38 Henriette van Eyk Het eenig real
The only real one
- 58 rust red / white
ocher / white
39 Mien Labberton Geloof, Hoop, Liefde
Faith, Hope, Love
- 86 blue White 4th
40 Metty Naezer Russian volksverhalen
Russian Fairy Tales
Metty Naezer 55 beige / white 1
41 JH Speenhoff De jonge schilders in een vrachtauto
The young painters in a truck
- 72 gray / white 1940 1
42 Jean Giraudoux
(translation: Victor Emanuel van Vriesland)
De Amoureuse Vergissing
The amorous mistake
- 50 green white 2
43 CJ Kelk, Halbo Kool Deliede zingt in verzen
love sings in verse
- 95 purple / white
purple / white
1941 1
44 Victor E. van Vriesland De potsenmaker van Onze Lieve Vrouw
The buffoon of Our Lady
Bob Buys 46 brown / white 1
45 Franz Grillparzer De arme speelman The poor minstrel
- 62 pink / white 1
46 Han G. Hoekstra In de donkere dagen voor Kersttijd
In the dark days before Christmas
- 75 Red White 2
47 PH Muller "Toen dieren nogspraken"
When the animals were still talking
- 64 blue White 1946 1
48 Mary Dorna (Mary Jeanette Tenkink-Stoppelman) "Mijn oom Ricardo"
My uncle Ricardo
- 40 blue White 1941 1
49 Herluf Christiaan Joseph Aloysius van Lamsweerde (Herluf van Merlet) Adam en Eva voor the mirror Dik Lammers 37 rust red / white 1
50 Hans Brandts Buys Klein Geuzenliedboek
Small songbook of the Geusen
Joop Löbler 45 orange red / white 1
51 Omar Khayyam Rubáiyat - vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien by Johan van Schagen
Umar - translated, introduced and annotated by Johan van Schagen
- 64 NN 1947 1
52 Henriette van Eyk Vader Valentijn fourth feest
Father Valentin celebrates
- 45 purple / white 1

Follow-up editions from other publishers

Reprints of several titles have been published by other publishers until recently. The completely new cover design of the partly brocaded ribbons does not reveal any row affiliation.

Hummingbird series

The publisher issued a similar series De Kolibri from 1939 to 1943 with 3 single and one double titles (No. 3/4) in cardboard volumes with a dust jacket, so that the series had 5 numbers. Instead of the owls, single-colored hummingbird pairs repeated in repeats on a light background served as a cover motif.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The publisher also used the cover pattern for the cover of his almanac for book lovers, published by H. Ritter, Leo van Breen and P. van Paassen in 1940 ( Litteraire parade. Almanak voor boekenvrienden voor het jaar 1940 ).
  2. A year of publication is only partially given in the volumes themselves. In the case of the indicated year of the first edition, the entries in the Royal Library of the Netherlands were used. However, the series is only partially cataloged there, both in terms of title and edition.
  3. Since there is no comprehensive list of the series, final information on the number of copies cannot be made. The numbers given in the column reflect the minimum number of editions available on the basis of library catalogs or offers in the antiquarian bookshop.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o You can find more information about the following authors and illustrators on the Dutch Wikipedia page: CJ Kelk , Halbo C. Kool , Raymond Herreman , Richard Roland Holst , Paul Guermonprez , Leo Meter , JH Speenhoff , Victor E. van Vriesland , Mary Dorna , Antoon Coolen , Hans Brandts Buys , Han G. Hoekstra and Cornelis Veth , Henriëtte van Eyk .
  5. This volume has been revised for subsequent editions. This changed the number of pages.
  6. There is no bibliographic information available for this series number. The number should not have appeared.
  7. a b This book is advertised as newly available in the newspaper “Haarlem's Dagblad” on December 18, 1935 ( digitized version ).
  8. This book is reported in the newspaper "Haarlem's Dagblad" of January 19, 1936 by the local library as published in 1936 ( digitized version ).
  9. a b c d This title label is provided with an illustration.
  10. This title was also published in a numbered and signed edition of 40 copies, which were bound up in gray cardboard with a stuck-on title label with row information.
  11. ^ "Utrechts Nieuwsblad" of July 8, 1939, p. 16 ( digitized version ).
  12. This book is reported as published in the newspaper "Harlem's Dagblad" of November 20, 1939, p. 12 ( digitized version ).
  13. This book is reported as published in the newspaper "Leidsch Dagblad" of December 4, 1940, p. 8 ( digitized version ).
  14. It is an anonymous legend of the Virgin Mary from the 13th century in old French .
  15. This title is in a rust-red / white series cover with an illustrated title label but without the series information and number ( [1] ).
  16. Johan van Schagen's biography ( [2] )