Decimus Turullius

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Decimus (or Publius ) Turullius (or Turulius ) (* probably before 74 BC; † 30 BC on Kos ) was a Roman politician and military man who belonged to the circle of conspirators against Gaius Iulius Caesar .

Decimus Turullius is mentioned as one of the murderers of Caesar . In the year of the assassination, 44 BC. He was bursar and is documented as mint master . Together with Lucius Tillius Cimber he went to Bithynia and took over command of the fleet dug there, with which he proceeded under Gaius Cassius Longinus as (pro) quaestor against Publius Cornelius Dolabella .

After the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC. BC he saved himself with his fleet and a large sum of money that he had extorted in Rhodes , together with Gaius Cassius Parmensis and others possibly to Sextus Pompeius in Sicily. After the naval battle of Naulochoi , he was in the service of Mark Antony , with whom he was on good terms. Nevertheless, after the battle of Actium, Antony handed it over to Octavian , who in 30 BC gave it to him. He was executed on the island of Kos , ostensibly as a punishment for the sacrilege of having cut wood from the sacred forests of the Asklepieion there for the construction of the navy as prefect of Antonius .


  1. The Praenomen Publius in Cassius Dio 51, 8, 2 , but coins minted by him under Marcus Antonius give D (ecimus) .
  2. ^ A b Cassius Dio 51, 8, 2-3.
  3. ^ Cassius in Marcus Tullius Cicero , ad familiares 12, 13 , describes him as quaestor.
  4. ^ Appian , Civil Wars 5, 2 .
  5. Valerius Maximus 1, 1, 19 .
