Deli Mustafa Ağa

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Deli Mustafa Ağa was a Turk who emerged in the resistance against the genocide of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire . He was honored by the Human Rights Working Group on Recognition and counted among the “Heroes in Secret” in the genocide.


He was the head of the family Kökbudaklar (or Gökbudaklar) in Ereğli and enjoyed a great reputation in Konya . He was given the nickname “Deli” (“brave, heroic, daring, reckless, lunatic, crazy”) because of his inappropriateness and directness.

When genocide of the Armenians had been asked Mustafa Aga to help: to deport living in Ereğli Armenians. However, he resisted these plans. He described his motives as follows:

“Ulan, Turk bulgur olsa, Ermeni de tuz olsa pilavın içine atsan yine o pilav tuzsuzluktan yenmez. Bunlar azınlıktır ya. Ayrıca da onlar bu memleketin hem tadı hem de tuzu. Gâvursuz memleketin de bilmem nesini ne yapayım. "

“Ulan (affective, casual form of address among men), can there be a homeland without the Gavurs ? If we make bulgur out of the Turk and cook a pilaf and not add the Armenian salt as salt, this pilaf is not edible! They are the sugar and salt of our homeland. "


Individual evidence

  1. Deli Mustafa
  2. unspoken heroes
  3. Ayhan Aktar: Türk Milliyetçiliği, Gayrimüslimler ve Ekonomik Dönüşüm [1]
  4. Çerkezyan: Sarkis Ustanın Anılarındaki Gizli Ayrıntılar