Demijohn (unit)

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The demijohn , also known among sailors as a sailor's bottle for storing drinks, was a Spanish brandy measure . The term is said to have its origin from the Arabic damajana , the French dame jeane and the Italian damigiana . It was also a name for a large demijohn.

  • Brandy: 1 demijohn = 2 ½ to 3 wine gallons (English)
  • Vinegar : 1 demijohn = 4 ½ to 5 wine gallons (English)
  • 1 demijohn = 11.3 liters

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bruno Kammann: Gerresheimer Glas: History of a world company (1864-2000): a contribution to the economic, social and urban history of Düsseldorf. Klartext Verlag, Essen 2007, ISBN 978-3-89861-782-6 , pp. 52, 424.
  2. Richard Klimpert: Lexicon of coins, measures, weights, counting types and time values ​​of all countries in the world. Verlag Regenhardt, Berlin 1896, p. 62.
  3. Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old measures, coins and weights, a lexicon. Bibliographical Institute, Mannheim / Vienna / Zurich, 1986, ISBN 3-41102-148-9 , p. 63.
  4. Kurzweil, Peter: The Vieweg-Einheit-Lexikon. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH; Braunschweig / Wiesbaden 2000, ISBN 3528169877 , p. 91.