The takeoff

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Gabriele Wohmann (1992)

Der Abflug is a short story by Gabriele Wohmann that appeared in 1960 in the short story collection Sieg über die Dümuern at Piper in Munich .


The worker Genoveva screws together bicycles in the factory. After work, she regularly visits the modest animal park near the rock cellar. Laura runs the latter restaurant. The beer truck driver Wotan doesn't know whether to marry his fiancée Laura. Laura's regular guests also include a retired bus driver. Genoveva does not go to the rock cellar without going to the aviary of her bird. The hen bird is one of those pheasant species with black feathers, grubby white breast plumage and a dark red head. When the pheasant dies overnight, Laura feels sorry for Genoveva and has the bird stuffed by an old forester.

Genoveva wants to make her dream come true; return to their country together with the pheasant, which also comes from there. The trip with the eponymous departure is being prepared by Genoveva. She draws a map of her country with its hills, valleys, rivers, lakes and the seashore. There is not a single city in Genoveva's country.

The closed Genoveva, who is considered conceited, who has never exchanged a word with the worker at the neighboring workplace, finally summons up all her courage and invites that colleague to visit the aviary of her feathered favorite after the shift.

Reality overtakes Genoveva in the face of the stuffed pheasant in the aviary. Gabriele Wohmann achieves a conciliatory conclusion: Genoveva - in the company of her good friends, like Laura, Wotan, the retired bus driver, his wife and the other machine worker - exclaims: "He has spread his wings, he wants to fly."


  • At Ferchl, the text is examined under “Attempts to break out of the world of work using imagination”.
  • According to Häntzschel, the depiction of a worker at Gabriele Wohmann is the exception.


  • Gabriele Wohmann: Victory over twilight. Narratives . 108 pages. Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag (dtv 1621), Munich 1981, ISBN 3-423-01621-3

First edition

Used edition
  • Departure pp. 25–49 in Gabriele Wohmann: Victory over twilight. Narratives . 155 pages. Piper (Piper series no. 98), Munich 1960 (1974 edition), ISBN 3-492-00398-2 (also contains: In the maze. We had so many plans. The peacemakers. They are all lovely. A very old project . Hard leaves. The negro. In the tunnel. The river. Catching morays. In a dry summer. Behind the pillar. Snow would come. The walk. Dream day. The proposal. Green is more beautiful. Magpies )

Secondary literature

  • The takeoff. P. 31–35 in: Irene Ferchl : The role of the everyday in the short prose by Gabriele Wohmann. 117 pages. Bouvier Verlag , Bonn 1980, ISBN 3-416-01542-8
  • Günter Häntzschel, Jürgen Michael Benz, Rüdiger Bolz, Dagmar Ulbricht: Gabriele Wohmann . Verlag CH Beck, Verlag edition text + kritik, Munich 1982, authors' books vol. 30, 166 pages, ISBN 3-406-08691-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Magirius, p. 4
  2. Edition used, p. 47, 5th Zvu
  3. Häntzschel, p. 30, 5. Zvo


  1. Gabriele Wohmann does not name Genoveva's country. There are definitely no bicycle factories in it. Let's call it the land of the imagination.