The fish haul

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Der Fischzug was a German literary magazine that was only published in 1926 by Victor Otto Stomps and Eberhard Heinatsch in Stomps' publishing house Rabenpresse in Berlin . From issue 2, the editor was Walther G. Oschilewski .

The first two issues had the subtitle “Monthly sheets for the promotion of literature in the future”, which was then changed to “Sheets for art and poetry in young Germany”. In the first issue, Heinatsch stated the program: “We want to offer monthly papers to promote literature in the future. The young and the youngest should also be welcome to us without prejudice to any literary trend. "

In issue 5/6 of December 1926 a preprint of Bertolt Brecht's didactic piece Mann ist Mann ” appeared . Other contributors included Julius Maria Becker , Gottfried Benn , Horst Lange , Carl Werckshagen , Kurt Liebmann and Paul Zech .