Kurt Liebmann

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Kurt Liebmann (born May 13, 1897 in Dessau , † August 12, 1981 in Dresden ) was a German art historian and writer .


Liebmann was the son of a judicial officer and grew up in Dresden from 1907 on. Around 1916 he began to write - anthemic poetry in the tradition of Expressionism , which was also printed in the expressionist magazine Sturm . After graduating from high school, he was a soldier in the First World War . He was badly wounded in Romania and spent two years in a hospital. He studied German, art history and psychology in Berlin and Halle . Due to a serious illness in his father and the onset of inflation , he had to break off his studies after five semesters and earn a living as a bank clerk. From 1927 to 1935 he lived as a freelance writer in Wernigerode and Dresden. As a result of his exclusion from the Reichsschrifttumskammer due to the race laws, he was deprived of all publication opportunities, an accountant in a Dessau steel construction company. A permission to write again, granted in 1938, ended when the Gestapo confiscated his unfinished book about Nietzsche in 1943.

After the Second World War he lived in Dresden again, was secretary of the Kulturbund , where he helped to set up the art and literature union of the FDGB , before working as culture editor for the Saxon newspaper from 1950 to 1952 . From 1953 he was a lecturer in aesthetics at the Dresden University of Fine Arts and the Dresden University of Music , and later a freelance writer. After the war he no longer published poems, but rather writings on cultural policy, speeches and some contributions to art history.


  • 1921 Discovery , poetry
  • 1924 Open at an angle , poetry
  • 1925 The fiery mouth , poetry
  • 1927 Cosmic rhythms , poetry
  • 1930 The seer , poetry
  • 1935 "The painter-poet Otto Nebel "
  • 1954 Vasily Ivanovich Surikov
  • 1955 Adolph Menzel as a graphic artist
  • 1956 The painter and graphic artist Oskar Nerlinger . A contribution to contemporary art
  • 1959 Young socialist art
  • 1968 Édouard Manet
  • 1970 Velazquez
  • 1972 Hans von Marées
  • 1977 Lessing's example. Verlag der Kunst, Dresden 1977 ( Fundus series 50)
  • 1991 Experienced life. Poems from the estate



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