Fundus series

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The Fundus books are a series of books in paperback format that was founded in 1959 in the GDR by Verlag der Kunst . Today it is published by Philo Fine Arts.


The series was founded by Erhard Frommhold in 1959 and published by him until 1991. Under Frommhold's direction, it mainly contained Marxist texts on aesthetics , art history and cultural history , but also more politically neutral works. The print runs were considerable and fluctuated between 10,000 and 20,000 copies. After German reunification , Verlag der Kunst and with it the Fundus series were sold to Verlag Gordon & Breach and continued under the same title. In 2001 Philo-Verlag took over their range of art and art theory titles and also continued the Fundus series under the new publisher name Philo & Philo Fine Arts. The Fundus series has been published since 2008 by the publishing house Philo Fine Arts, which was founded by the art collector Harald Falckenberg . Today, the Fundus series mainly contains essays, monographs and anthologies on topics in the humanities .

By the time Frommhold left the publishing house in 1991, there were 74 volumes (volume numbers 1 to 126, including double and triple volumes). The series continues to this day (2020) and has reached volume number 222.

Until 1989 the prices of the books were uniformly at 2.80 marks for single volumes, 4.80 marks for double volumes and 6.80 marks for triple volumes. In 1990 only two volumes appeared, each costing 6.50 marks. The last volume published by Erhard Frommhold, 125, cost 14.80 DM .

Volume list up to number 126 (Verlag der Kunst, Dresden)

Volume number Year of the 1st edition author title
1 1959 Ernst Fischer Of the necessity of art
2 1959 Vere Gordon Childe Man creates himself
3 1959 Michail Lifschitz Karl Marx and the aesthetics
4th 1959 Annette Laming Lascaux. At the origin of art
5 1962 Ilya Ehrenburg French exercise books
6th 1962 Anatoly Lunacharsky The revolution and the art. Essays, speeches, notes
7th 1962 Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli Reality and abstraction
8th 1962 Dmitri S. Likhachev The culture of Russia. During the Eastern European Early Renaissance from the 14th to the beginning of the 15th century
9 1964 Todor Pavlov Basic Laws of Art. On questions of Marxist aesthetics
10/11 1964 Diether Schmidt (Ed.) In the last hour 1933–1945. Artist's writings II
12/13 1965 Christopher Caudwell Illusion and reality. A Study of the Basics of Poetry
14th 1965 Anatoly Lunacharsky The Heritage. Essays, speeches, notes
15/16/17 1965 Diether Schmidt (Ed.) Manifestos 1905–1933. Artist's writings I
18th 1966 Jan Białostocki Style and iconography. Studies in art history
19th 1967 Agnes Humbert The Nabis and their epoch. 1888-1900
20/21 1968 Richard Neutra Designed environment. Experiences and demands of an architect
22/23 1969 Oliver R. Gurney The Hittites
24/25 1970 Paul Lafargue From the origin of ideas. A selection from his writings from 1886 to 1900
26th 1972 Michail Lifschitz Crisis of the ugly. From cubism to pop art
27/28 1972 Nikolai Brunow Architectural development stages. Represented on the basis of analyzes of important buildings
29 1972 Rosa Luxemburg Writings on art and literature
30th 1973 Kyrill N. Afanasyev Ideas-projects-buildings. Soviet architecture 1917/32
31 1973 Katharina Scheinfuß (Ed.) From Brutus to Marat. Art in the National Convention 1789–1795
32 1973 Christopher Caudwell Studies on a Dying Culture
33/34 1974 Yuri N. Davydov Art as a sociological phenomenon. To the characteristic d. aesthetic-polit. Views of Plato and others Aristotle
35 1974 Julian Marchlewski Secession and Art Nouveau. Reviews around 1900
36/37 1975 Dmitri S. Likhachev Man in Old Russian Literature
38/39 1975 Frederick Antal Between Renaissance and Romanticism. Studies in art history
40/41 1975 David Alfaro Siqueiros The new Mexican realism. Speeches and writings on art
42/43 1976 Grigori J. Sternin Artistic life in Russia at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
44/45 1976 Lev S. Vygotsky Psychology of art
46 1977 El Lissitzky Proun and Wolkenbügel. Writings, letters, documents
47/48 1977 Wilhelm Fraenger From Bosch to Beckmann. selected Writings
49 1977 Rocco Musolino Marxism and Aesthetics in Italy
50 1977 Kurt Liebmann The Lessing example
51/52 1978 Peter H. Feist Artist, work of art and society. Studies in art history and the methodology of art history
53/54 1978 Helmut Barth (Ed.) On the cultural program of the German proletariat in the 19th century
55/56/57 1978 Aaron J. Guryevich The world view of medieval man
58/59/60 1978 Max Raphael Workers, art and artists
61/62 1979 Leo Balet, E. Gerhard (d. I. Eberhard Rebling ) The bourgeoisisation of German art, literature and music
63 1979 Alexei P. Smirnov The Scythians
64/65 1980 Hannes Meyer Building and Society. Writings, letters, projects
66/67/68 1979 Leonid M. Batkin The historical whole of the Italian Renaissance. Attempt to characterize a culture type
69 1976 Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli Classical archeology. A critical introduction
70/71/72 1981 John Heartfield The cut along time. Self-testimonies - memories - interpretations. A documentation
73/74 1980 Grigori J. Sternin Artistic life in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century
75/76 1981 Aaron J. Guryevich Studies of German art and architecture around 1800
77/78 1981 Lothar Kühne Object and space. About the historicity of the aesthetic
79 1982 Lu Märten Shapes for everyday life. Writings, essays, lectures
80/81 1982 Mikhail Alpatov About Western European and Russian art. Contributions to their history
82 1982 Irma Emmrich Worldview and aesthetic structure
83/84 1982 Claude Schnaidt Environmental citizens and environmental makers. Writings 1964–1980
85/86 1983 Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli Roman art. From the beginning to the end of antiquity
87/88 1984 Heinrich Wölfflin Basic concepts of art history. The problem of style development in modern art
89/90 1984 Friedrich Möbius (Ed.) Style and society. A problem outline
91/92 1984 Bruno Flierl Architecture and art. Texts 1964–1983
93 1985 Alexander L. Mongait Archeology and the present
94/95/96 1985 George Besson Modern art in France. selected Writings
97/98 1985 Lothar Kühne House and landscape. Essays
99/100 1986 Wieland Herzfelde John Heartfield. life and work
101/102 1986 Aaron J. Guryevich Medieval folk culture. Research problems
103/104/105 1986 Anatoly Lunacharsky Philosophy, art, literature. Selected Writings 1904–1933
106/107 1987 Arnold Hauser Social History and Literature (Volume 1 of 2)
108/109/110 1987 Arnold Hauser Social History and Literature (Volume 2 of 2)
111/112 1987 Kiril Krestev Early Renaissance in Bulgaria
113/114/115 1988 Michail Lifschitz The thirties. selected Writings
116/117 1988 Karl Liebknecht Thoughts about art. Fonts. Talk. Letters
118/119 1989 Friedrich Möbius, Helga Sciurie (Ed.) Style and epoch. Periodization issues
120/121 1990 Hans Wollschläger Karl May. Outline of a broken life. Interpretations of personality and work
122 1989 Yuli Kagarlitsky Shakespeare and Voltaire
123 1990 Christian Meier The Political Art of Greek Tragedy
124 1990 Maria Rüger (Ed.) Art and art criticism of the thirties. 24 points of view on artistic and aesthetic processes and controversies
125 1991 Kurt Milde , Klaus Mertens , Gudrun Stenke (Eds.) Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann 1662–1736 and the architecture of the time of August the Strong
126 1991 Heidrun Laudel Gottfried Semper. Architecture and style

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Tannert: The acceleration of the present. The FUNDUS series has been revived at Verlag der Kunst Dresden. In: Berliner Zeitung, February 11, 1995, accessed on January 7, 2016 .
  2. ^ Philo Fine Arts. In: Retrieved January 7, 2016 .