The friend of virtue

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The friend of virtue was a moral weekly that was founded in 1767 in Pressburg by Karl Gottlieb von Windisch .

Work genesis

The "Friend of Virtue" was a supplement to the Pressburger Zeitung . Both periodicals were published by Windisch. The weekly "Freund" contained above all literary and moralizing contributions. The magazine was based on models such as the Viennese moral weekly "Die Welt" by Christian Gottlieb Klemm , whose collaborator Windisch had been, and on Joseph von Sonnenfels ' The Man Without Prejudice . The content of the paper was based entirely on the classic form of moral weekly papers: it contains short stories, didactic poems, occasional poems and puzzles. Behind the individual pieces always stood the ethical and moral postulates of the Enlightenment - complacency, greed and dishonor were accused.

In the spirit of the Enlightenment of the Theresian Age, Windisch already critically dealt with superstition in some articles and inserted small popular scientific treatises, mostly with historical content, e.g. B. the history of the city of Pressburg, in which Windisch relied on information from Antonio Bonfini and Mathias Belius . From the series of literary contributions the translation of a work by Metastasio should be mentioned, which Windisch probably wrote himself.

The "Freund" was published until 1769. Due to the great demand, Windisch announced the publication of a new magazine and in 1770 actually published the moral weekly Der Vernstandsige Zeitvertreiber .


  • Jozef Tancer: In the shadow of Vienna. On the German-language press and literature in Pressburg in the 18th century. Bremen: Ed. Lumière 2008
  • Seidler, Andrea: The magazine system in the Danube region between 1740 and 1809. Annotated bibliography of the German and Hungarian language magazines in Vienna, Pressburg and Pest-Buda. Vienna [u. a.]: Böhlau, 1988 (series of publications by the Austrian Society for Research in the 18th Century; 1)
  • Fritz Valjavec: Karl Gottlieb von Windisch. The life picture of a southeast German citizen of the Enlightenment period. Munich: Schick 1936

Web links

  • Hungarus Digitalis: Digitization Project University of Vienna, Department of Finno-Ugric Studies: [1]