The gentleman

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The Lord (book)
author Romano Guardini
Surname The gentleman
country Germany
theme Christology
genre Theology , biography
publishing company Matthias Grünewald Publishing House
First edition 1937
Edition 19 (2007)
medium Hardback edition
pages 752
ISBN 978-3-7867-2661-6

The Lord - Contemplations on the Person and Life of Jesus Christ is a christological book by Romano Guardini , a Catholic priest , religious philosopher and theologian . The first edition appeared in 1937.


The Lord is Guardini's reflection on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ . It is considered a classic standard work of spiritual theology.

Guardini's book epitomizes modern exegetical criticism and approaches Jesus Christ through the Gospels, placing Jesus' life in the context of history and showing how the teaching of Jesus relates to church doctrine and practice. He is not primarily trying to tell the life of Jesus in a chronological order. Rather, he chooses certain speeches, events and miracles to meditate on with his own reflections and comments.

Among other things, Guardini describes, with pedagogical sensitivity and deep knowledge of the existence of the person, the apparent paradox of the Christian love, between self-acceptance and self-giving.


“In relation to Christ, the conversion of thought is required. Not only the conversion of will and action, but also that of thinking. But that consists in the fact that there is no longer any reflection on Christ from the perspective of the world, but that Christ is accepted as the standard of the real and possible and judged from him about the world. This conversion is difficult to see and even more difficult to accomplish. All the more difficult, the clearer the contradiction of world existence to it becomes in the course of time, and the more obvious everyone who gets involved in it appears as a gate. But to the extent that thought tries, the reality that is called Jesus Christ is revealed. And from it all reality is otherwise opened up: revealed, but also raised in the hope of becoming new. "

- Romano Guardini : Der Herr (15th edition, 1985), p. 649

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "The Lord" by Romano Guardini
  2. "Whoever loses himself will win it" PDF by Chan Ho Park