The tilting houses of Refrath

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Remnant of the moth Kippekausen

The Kipphäuser or Juan Manuel Fernando is a legendary figure from the Bergisches Land . The Kipphäuser is the master of the Kippekausen moth . The legend is located in what is now the Kippekausen district of Bergisch Gladbach . Sometimes he is seen as a glowing one-eyed man, sometimes as a black man or as "hollow-eyed with a dead yellow face and blood-red collar". The legend takes place around 1400. The tilting house is considered cruel and damned.


At the beginning of the legend, the young lady of the castle Elisabeth and Juan Manuel Fernando get married. The new lord of the castle looks friendly. But after a while, he starts beating his serfs, forcing them to work harder. When the lady of the castle learns of these deeds, she is deeply disappointed. Then her will to live suffocates and she dies. The servants then have to work even harder. Anyone who speaks out against the lord of the castle will be killed. When a lumberjack was picked up one day, his wife took a knife and stabbed the dump house. But this does not die, but gradually becomes insane. Even the bodyguards can't take it anymore. After three weeks, smoke rises over the castle. Then a man rushes out of the gate. Blood-smeared ax in hand. It's the lumberjack. But the tilting house is not really dead. Instead, he is still haunted as a damned man through the neighboring Franconian forest and scares hikers.

Individual proof

Tilman Röhrig : Sages and Legends from the Bergisches Land , 1992, ISBN 3-87909-303-2

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