German foundation for engagement and honorary office

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German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering
legal form Foundation under public law
founding March 26, 2020
founder Federal Republic of Germany
Seat Neustrelitz
purpose Strengthening voluntary engagement
Chair Jan Holze , Katarina Peranic

The German Foundation for involvement and volunteering is a public foundation of the federal with headquarters in Neustrelitz . The foundation with legal capacity was established by the law establishing the German Foundation for Engagement and Honorary Office of March 25, 2020 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 712 ). The foundation was created when the law came into force the following day.


The purpose of the foundation is to strengthen and promote civic engagement and voluntary work, especially in structurally weak and rural areas within the scope of the federal government. The foundation is a joint project of the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth ( BMFSFJ ), the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Homeland ( BMI ) and the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture ( BMEL ). The purpose of the foundation is to “primarily through service offers, the provision of information in organizational development (especially with regard to digitization ), the networking of federal, state, municipal, business and civil society, the promotion of innovations, the strengthening of structures in structurally weak and rural areas as well as the accompanying research ”. The foundation is to receive around 30 million euros annually.


In addition to the board of directors, a foundation council consisting of 19 members with equal gender representation is planned as the foundation's organs. The legal supervision to the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs is responsible.

Jan Holze and Katarina Peranic became the founding board members of the newly established foundation .


The recommendation for a resolution and report by the Committee on Family, Seniors, Women and Youth refers to the results of the Fourth German Volunteer Survey 2014, according to which 30 million people across Germany are voluntarily active for the common good . In rural regions in particular, the Committee sees these activities as important for social cohesion and as a contribution to the achievement of the sustainability goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (SDGs). Targeted funding is necessary, especially in structurally weak and rural regions.

Reference is made to the following guiding principles and objectives:

Some organizations have expressed concern that the foundation would create unnecessary duplicate structures. The alliance for non-profit , for example, called for the foundation to be set up primarily as a support foundation . A federal foundation that itself offers service and advice for civic engagement contradicts the basic idea of ​​a self-organizing civil society . Instead of creating double structures, the foundation has to "build on existing structures".

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Federal Council paves the way for volunteer foundation. In: February 14, 2020, accessed February 16, 2020 .
  2. German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering: First board of directors has been established. Retrieved June 12, 2020 .
  3. a b Act establishing the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering. In: Federal Council proposal. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  4. BMI press release: German Foundation for Commitment and Honorary Work: First board of directors has been established. May 28, 2020, accessed May 29, 2020 .
  5. Resolution recommendation and report by the Committee on Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (13th Committee), Bundestag printed paper 19/16916 of January 29, 2020, BT-Drs. 19/16916
  6. Resolution recommendation and report by the Committee on Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (13th Committee), Bundestag printed paper 19/16916 of January 29, 2020, BT-Drs. 19/16916 p. 11.
  7. Niklas Potthoff: New Foundation: Help for volunteering. In: January 29, 2020, accessed February 16, 2020 .
  8. Foundation alliance criticizes German foundation commitment and honorary office. In: January 29, 2020, accessed February 16, 2020 .