German Citizen Award

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The German Citizens' Prize is a honorary award that has been honoring outstanding commitment from individuals, groups and associations since 2003. It is the largest honorary award in Germany. The prize serves to thank the 31 million committed people in Germany for their unpaid work. Annually changing focus topics enable public attention and recognition for all forms of civic engagement . It has not been awarded nationwide since 2018 until further notice; the 15th award in 2017 was the last for the time being.


The German Citizens' Prize honors committed people in the categories “U21”, “Everyday Heroes” and “Lifetime Achievement”. In previous years, the German Citizens' Prize honored, among other things, voluntary work with the following focuses: youth work, sport, integration, education, equal opportunities and strengthening the sense of community. Those who are committed can either apply directly or be suggested through projects.

Initiators and goal setting

The German Citizens' Prize is an association of politics, business and municipalities and is sponsored by the initiative “für mich. for us. for everyone. " The alliance of members of the Bundestag , the savings banks , cities, districts and municipalities of Germany would like to promote civic engagement in Germany, give recognition to committed people, motivate potential committed people, improve the framework conditions for voluntary engagement at the political level - and last but not least the public discussion on this important one stimulate social issue. Above all, the aim is to address various areas of volunteering, to achieve greater recognition of volunteer work by a broader public and to appreciate the diversity of volunteering.

The initiative goes back to the report of the Enquete Commission of the German Bundestag on the “ future of civic engagement ”. As a result, committed members of the Bundestag, the German Savings Banks and Giro Association, the German Association of Cities, the German District Association and the German Association of Cities and Towns signed a declaration of intent to promote civic engagement in March 2003. In doing so, they laid the foundation for the initiative and the German Citizens' Prize.


The partners of the “for me. for us. für alle. "award the German Citizens' Prize at local, regional and national level. The national award winners will be honored at a ceremony in Berlin at the end of the year. You will receive material prizes with a total value of over 41,000 euros.

Provisional setting

The German Citizens' Prize was awarded for the last time in 2017 (15th award) and will no longer be awarded nationwide until further notice. The reason is that, according to the German Savings Banks and Giro Association eV (DSGV), the participation has decreased from over 2,000 entries to 1,400 in 2017. In 2015, the federal government awarded the German Engagement Prize . In view of the “business challenges” facing the savings banks, financing through them alone is no longer feasible. The citizens' award will continue to be advertised regionally.

Previous winners


Topic: Creating Opportunities - Citizens for Education

  • Projects category
    • Prize winner: City School Board of Rheda-Wiedenbrück
    • Second place: Generation meeting of the senior citizens' office
  • Category individual engagement
    • Award winner: Dr. Robert Dreger
    • Second place: Ingeborg Stenzel
    • Category special price
    • Prize winner: Monika Effinger


Topic: young & old

  • Projects category
    • Award winner: Project EULE
  • Category individual engagement
    • Prize winner: Christa Müller
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winners: Loure and Eitel Houtrouw


Topic: Living together - rediscovering the neighborhood

  • Projects category
    • Prize winners: 1. Osnabrücker Neighborhood Aid eV
    • Runner-up: Citizens' Initiative Elisenhof "Roses for Marxloh"
  • Category individual engagement
    • Prize winner: Charlotte Müller
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Horst Wagner


Topic: culture connects

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winner: Kultur am Rande eV
    • Runner-up: Blaumeier Atelier
    • Runner-up: Music and Theater Association Priest
  • Junior category
    • Prize winner: Admir Bucan
    • Runner-up: ParkMusic
    • Runner-up: CAT-stairs
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Award winner: Gerhard Hoch
  • Category work & commitment
    • Award winner: Auerbach & Hahn GmbH


Topic: Active in sports

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winners: Jorge and Manuela Gonzalez
    • Second place: Bremen sports youth
    • Runner-up: Integration sports group Sport for everyone
  • Junior category
    • Prize winners: 1st youth sports club for inline, skate and snakeboarding - skateguards
    • Runner-up: Sarah Lutz
    • Second place: Thomas Laxa
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Wolfgang Klünder
  • Category work & commitment
    • Award winner: RILLING ART
    • Runner-up: Büttel GmbH


Topic: Promoting children - investing in the future

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winner: District Youth Association Hzgt. Lauenburg
    • Second place: AFEK eV
    • Runner-up: Tölzer Coaches
  • Junior category
    • Prize winner: Sprachstube Deutsch Casablanca gGmbH
    • Runner-up: ContRa e. V.
    • Runner-up: U25 - young people help young people
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Horst Polter
  • Active SME category
    • Award winner: Jäger Direkt GmbH & Co. KG
    • Runner-up: Effenberger wholemeal bakery
    • Second place: Iris Kater Verlag & Medien GmbH
  • Category special price
    • Prize winners: KÜKI - carers for children, Jean-Paul-Volksschule elementary school


Topic: Protecting the Environment - Securing the Future

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winner: European Well Society e. V. - Karlsruhe Section
    • Runner-up: Nature conservation with children in the Schleswig-Holstein Heimatbund Mönkeberg
    • Second place: Forest with all senses e. V. - Forest adventure trail for the sighted and the blind
  • Junior category
    • Award winner: BUNDSpechte Jüchen
    • Runner-up: Children's rainforest team from the Edith Stein School in Ravensburg
    • Runner-up: Ökoscouts e. V.
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Gert Oetken
  • Active SME category
    • Award winner: Pomona Nurseries


Topic: saving, helping, giving opportunities

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winner: Children's hospice Cuxhaven-Bremerhaven
    • Runner-up: Training instead of deportation (AsA) e. V.
    • Runner-up: Helfer-vor-Ort Gruppe Maulbronn
  • Category U21
    • Award winner: tailwind
    • Runner-up: disco fever
    • Second place: Youth Fire Brigade Gelsenkirchen Ückendorf
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Zahire Sevilir
  • Category Dedicated Entrepreneurs
    • Award winner: Ralf Hofmann
    • Runner-up: cut it
    • Second place: Michael Grübel
  • Category VZ Award
    • Award winner: wheelmap
    • Runner-up: Chile Project 2011
    • Runner-up: Neukölln Talents


Topic: Education! - Equal opportunities for everyone

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winners: Village Academy Höhenland
    • Runner-up: Anne becomes a citizen mentor
    • Second place: MärchenKinder Regensburg
  • Category U21
    • Prize winner: JuKi - youth for children
    • Runner-up: homework tutors
    • Runner-up: PC & Internet Know-how 4 Youngsters
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Gertrud Löns
  • Category Committed Entrepreneurs:
    • Award winner: Stephan Richtzenhain Simeonsbetriebe GmbH
    • Runner-up: Peter Krämer Marine Service GmbH
    • Runner-up: Hermann Schünemann Carl Ed. Schünemann GmbH
  • Category VZ Award
    • Prize winner: At home for children
    • Runner-up: Juniors learn from seniors
    • Runner-up: Get going


Topic: Project Future: Committed to young people.

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Award winner: Seehaus e. V.
    • Runner-up: Year of Youth 2011 in Magdeburg
    • Second place: SV 06 Lehrte
  • Category U21
    • Prize winners: Sports Pirates
    • Runner-up: Youth Culture Association Kokolores
    • Runner-up: TWNCTY - Connecting Worlds
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Hermann Roters
  • Category Dedicated Entrepreneurs
    • Prize winner: Farid Vatanparast
    • Second place: Thilo von Debschitz and Laurenz Nielbock
    • Runner-up: Rupert Voss
  • Category VZ Award
    • Award winner: FREEFALL Festival
    • Runner-up: Leo Club Weil am Rhein
    • Runner-up: PULS Berlin


Topic: Committed on site: have a say, participate, help shape!

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winner: Active for Democracy | Delmenhorst remains colorful!
    • Runner-up: Together for a better quality of life | Civic Association Grunern
    • Runner-up: Future of the self-cultivation brand | Landliebe Landau, Bad Arolsen-Landau
  • Dedicated entrepreneurs
    • Prize winner: Great train station for the citizens | Leuthkircher Bürgerbahnhof
    • Runner-up: Unforgettable days for children | 1000 days of vacation for children
    • Runner-up: For the future of the region | Beck Children's Fund Foundation
  • Category U21
    • Winner: School initiative "Bitterfeld-Wolfen - City with Courage"
    • Second place: local climate protection | Carsten Lange, Brake
    • Runner-up: Self-directed cinema | MuKIKI - Munderkinger on your own, Munderkingen


Topic: Promote diversity - live community!

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Winner: "Open House - Open Heart" initiative
    • Runner-up: Citizens' initiative "Glinde gegen rechts"
    • Second place: Gonsenheim district meeting place
  • Category U21
    • Prize winners: All in one boat
    • Second place: Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium, asylum work group
    • Runner-up: I Have A Dream Group (IHADG)
  • Category Dedicated Entrepreneurs
    • Prize winner: Asylothek (library for asylum seekers)
    • Runner-up: Matthias Schmitt
    • Runner-up: Network with Courage: Against Xenophobia and Discrimination
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winners: Parents of disabled children Wittlich


Topic: Living culture - broadening horizons

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Award winner: Switch Kids Art
    • Runner-up: Szol Ha theater group
    • Second place: Culture Without Borders eV
  • Category U21
    • Prize winners: Lübeck Youth Book Days
    • Runner-up: KulturTeam Hamburg
    • Runner-up: LebensWelten- Figur Theater Phoenix
  • Category Dedicated Entrepreneurs
    • Prize winner: Erik Berthold
    • Runner-up: BRAIN AG | committed to local art and artists


Topic: Germany 2016 - Experience integration together

  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • Prize winners: 83 Constance integrated e. V.
    • Runner-up: Streetbolzer e. V.
    • Runner-up: Round table for a welcoming culture in and around Berkenthin
  • Category U21
    • Prize winners: Jena walks of life
    • Second place: Speyer without racism - Speyer with courage
    • Runner-up: Advice for grieving and dying young people
  • Lifetime Achievement category
    • Prize winner: Delio Miorandi


Topic: Committed with foresight: real, digital, communal The prizes were awarded in Berlin on November 15, 2017 in the presence of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier .

  • Lifetime Achievement category
  • Category U21
    • 1st prize: Courage student foundation of the Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium in Münster
    • 2. Prizes: JUFO - Debate Events and [U25] Dortmund On-Line Suicide Prevention
  • Category Everyday Heroes
    • 1st prize: Zeitschrift der Straße - Bremen
    • 2. Prizes: "IG Ledde - Citizens Help Citizens", "Football-German / German-Football" and the German Citizens Prize of the initiative "for me. for us. for all."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ German Savings Banks and Giro Association
  2. City Day
  3. ^ District day
  4. ^ Association of Towns and Municipalities
  5. German Citizens' Prize: Posted at the federal level on
  6. Citizen Prize 2009 awarded on (archive version)
  7. German Citizens' Prize 2010 awarded on (archive version)
  8. German Citizens' Prize 2011 awarded on (archive version)
  9. German Citizens' Prize 2012 awarded on (archive version)
  10. a b c d The winners from 2013 to 2016 are listed in the competition archive on deutscher.bü (archive version)
  11. German Citizen Award starts a new round on
  12. ↑ Committed with foresight: The winners of the German Citizens Award 2017 on