Maren Heinzerling

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Maren Dörte Heinzerling (* 1938 ) is a German graduate engineer who was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit in 2009 for her long-standing activities in the field of women in engineering and her great commitment to the “Magical Physics in Primary Schools” projects.


Maren Heinzerling studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich from 1958 to 1964 and completed her studies with the thesis "Investigation of the vibration behavior of a four-axle bogie on the analog computer".

After her studies, a ten-year family phase and part-time work, in which she experienced the diverse possibilities of the engineering profession in the areas of calculation, development, marketing, system technology, customer service and sales, she became sales manager for local transport systems for the regions of Africa in 1993, Australia and Asia.

In 1986 she was co-founder of the DAB working group "Women in Science and Technology". In 1990 she conceived and organized the first Munich Girls Technology Day, the forerunner of the nationwide “Girls' Day”.

After her retirement in 2000, she initially traveled to Asia for three years. Afterwards, together with the “Multimobil” working group in the Association of German Engineers, she campaigned for better links between public transport systems and, in particular, for an advertising approach to local transport. In 2007, together with the Berlin Community Foundation , she launched “Magical Physics with Teaching Modules”, and in 2013 the subsequent project “Magical Physics with Language and Subject Boxes”.



  • 2009: Awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon
  • 2010: Award as MINT ambassador of the Federal Republic
  • 2013: Nomination for the German Age Award of the Robert Bosch Foundation
  • 2017: Nomination for the Chancellor's National Integration Award
  • 2017: Berlin badge of honor for social commitment
  • 2017: Capital City Prize for Integration and Tolerance
  • 2017: German citizen award for her life's work


  • Cross-carrier source-destination travel time analysis. Bonn: Verkehrsforum Bahn, 1991

Web links

Individual evidence
