German Gymnastics Association

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The German Gymnastics Association ( DGymB ) is the only professional association in Germany for state-certified gymnastics teachers . Membership in the DGymB can be acquired from the 5th semester of training.


Until the mid-1920s, the various gymnastics facilities worked in isolation from one another, developed their own approaches and clearly delimited them from one another. With the founding of the DGymB in Berlin in 1925 by school councilor Franz Hilker , an attempt was made to coordinate the individual currents. The schools Bode , Medau, Kallmeyer, Laban , Loheland and Mensendieck joined forces in the DGymB . In 1928 schools with a focus on dance dropped out.

Uniform guidelines were developed between 1925 and 1930, and the official recognition of the profession of "gymnastics teacher" was achieved through a state examination; It was fought for the recognition of gymnastics as an official part of physical education in schools and the work of gymnastics teachers in schools was also sought. From 1933 to 1945 the DGymB was incorporated into the Reich Association of German Gymnastics, Sport and Gymnastics Teachers. In 1948 the DGymB was re-established in Frankfurt am Main under the old name.


The DGymB is the professional association of state-certified gymnastics teachers. The focus is on professional support and professional representation in public life. An essential area of ​​responsibility is the member support, whereby individual questions, wishes and problems can be dealt with. The aim of the association is to improve the professional image of the gymnastics teacher, to make his qualifications known, to do public relations and to establish and maintain contacts with other associations. All independent gymnastics teachers who are employed or civil servants and those in the 5th and 6th semester of gymnastics schools can join the DGymB in order to jointly commit themselves to the goals mentioned above. The division of the DGymB in the regional association enables closer cohesion in the regions.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Register of associations of the AG Frankfurt am Main , VR 5380