German Media Prize Depression Aid

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The German Media Prize for Depression Aid has been awarded by the German Depression Aid Foundation since 2013 . It is given to journalists who deal in an outstanding manner with the disease depression . Every two years a jury made up of journalists, doctors and company representatives as well as those affected nominates the winners from all entries. Editors and (freelance) authors - individually or in teams - whose contribution has appeared in German-speaking public media can apply for the award.

The criteria for selection include whether the reporting is competent and whether it contributes to destigmatizing depression. The jury therefore examines the applications from the point of view of the factually correct presentation, journalistic competence and compliance with media guidelines in the event of a suicide report. The last criterion in particular distinguishes the German Media Prize Depression Aid from other media prizes .

The award is endowed with 5,000 euros and will be presented at the German Patient Congress moderated by Harald Schmidt , jury chairman and patron of the foundation.

Award winners


In 2019, the first prize was awarded to two entries.

  1. Katja Engelhardt, Inka Friese and Ricci Lutterbeck (WDR): The show with the mouse special: The invisible disease and Marco Giacopuzzi (Hessischer Rundfunk for KiKA): Phil and being sad
  2. Jule Kaden (Radio Fritz): Theme day on depression and relationships
  3. Barbara Vorsamer (Süddeutsche Zeitung Family): Dear Magdalena


  1. Anne Thiele - RTL Extra: Living with Depression: Long-term support for those affected
  2. Hendrik Rack, Eva Riedmann, Anna Bühler, Ariane Alter, Sebastian Meinberg - PULS on BR: Social Media & Depression: When Facebook makes your life hell
  3. Corinna Schöps - ZEIT Doctor: When the soul needs help


  1. Anna Bühler and Till Ottlitz - PULS in BR: The question: Are we getting more and more depressed?
  2. Katrin Schmiedekampf and Stephan Seiler - mobile - the Deutsche Bahn magazine: "No reason to be sad" and Stephan Schweiger - Focus on health: "More than just sad"
  3. KLUB KONKRET - SWR: Insanely normal. How psycho are we?


  1. Ann-Kathrin Eckardt / Beate Wagner - NEON: shadow love
  2. Jana Lindner, Ines Hoge-Lorenz, Katrin Hartig - MDR: The business with burnout
  3. Editor SWR Nachtcafé - SWR: Depression: The new widespread disease?

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ärzteblatt: 2nd German Media Prize for Depression Aid 2015
  2. ^ German Media Prize Depressionshilfe at
  3. 4th Media Prize 2019. German Depression Aid Foundation, accessed on June 1, 2020 .
  4. Award for PULS TV
  5. youth radio BR PULS wins the 2nd German Media Prize Depressionshilfe
  6. Innovation report: 1st German Media Prize Depression Aid: brilliant premiere / 2013 nominees have been determined