Deutscher Volksverlag
The Deutsche Volksverlag was founded on April 1, 1919 in Munich from the JF Lehmann publishing house for emphatically anti-Jewish publications. The address of the Deutsche Volksverlag was Paul-Heyse-Straße 9, second floor, which Alfred Rosenberg also gave as his address in publications during the Weimar period. The publisher was Ernst Boepple , a former employee of the Munich publisher Julius Friedrich Lehmann .
In this publisher u. a. the anti-Semitic monthly magazine Der Weltkampf. Monthly magazine for world politics, national culture and the Jewish question of all countries by Rosenberg published since 1924. From 1941 the magazine was published by Hoheneichen Verlag .
Individual evidence
- ^ Hellmuth Auerbach: Hitler's political apprenticeship and the Munich society. In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte . Volume 25 (1977), Issue 1, p. 7 ( PDF ).
- ^ Subtitle from 1924 "Monthly for the Jewish question in all countries". Long subtitles from 1926.