Diocesan Art Association Linz

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The Diözesankunstverein Linz (also Diözesan-Kunstverein Linz , Linzer Diözesan-Kunstverein or Linzer Diözesankunstverein ) was founded in 1859 and is the oldest Christian art association in Austria.


After the liberalization of the Austrian association system in 1848, there were first considerations to create a separate Catholic art association. During the 4th General Assembly of the Catholic Association in Linz in 1850, the Cologne politician August Reichensperger was commissioned to draw up a draft statute for a Christian art association. Florian Wimmer OSB (1816–1890) was entrusted with the drafting of a statute and with the initiation of measures to establish an association. On January 21, 1857, the Linz Diocesan Art Association was approved by the Ordinariat. The association's activity began only hesitantly, although the association already had around two hundred members. The first general assembly on October 18, 1859 is now considered the founding date. The association is the first church-sponsored art association in Austria.

The following goals of the association were formulated in 1959:

  • promoting and cultivating Christian art (through teaching about art, through lectures and essays),
  • the establishment of a diocesan museum,
  • the organization of art exhibitions,
  • the removal of everything unsuitable from the churches,
  • the research, description, and illustration and preservation of outstanding works of art as well
  • the creation of new works of art in the Christian spirit

The most prominent board member was Adalbert Stifter .

The Diocesan Art Association published the journal Christliche Kunstblätter between 1860 and 1970 , which merged with a Protestant art journal in 1971 to form art and church , which is the first ecumenical journal in the German-speaking area.

Many Christian art societies had sections dedicated to music. In the early 1880s, the Diocese of Linz also made strong efforts to establish a new Cecilia Society for the whole of Austria . This “Austrian Central Cäcilienverein” was established in 1884, but initially only the dioceses of St. Pölten and Linz belonged to it.

In a target that was newly formulated at the beginning of the 1990s, the main purpose of the association is to publish the magazine kunst und kirche , to support publications and exhibitions, and to promote young, contemporary artists.


  • Judith Wimmer: For the adornment of the church and its cult and for the elevation and joy of the believers. The Linz Diocesan Art Association and the Christian Art Associations in the 19th century. In: Upper Austrian homeland sheets . Linz 2018, pp. 32–40, PDF on land-oberoesterreich.gv.at.
  • Johannes Ebner : The Christliche Kunstblätter and their editors (1860 to 1970). A brief overview. In: Landesinstitut für Volksbildung und Heimatpflege in Oberösterreich (Ed.): Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter. 39th year, Linz 1985, issue 1, pp. 43–48, online (PDF) in the forum OoeGeschichte.at.

Web links

  • Homepage on dkv-linz.at.
  • Martina Gelsinger, Beate Gschwendtner-Leitner: About us. History. In: dkv-linz.at. Diözesankunstverein Linz, accessed on January 29, 2020 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ebner 1985, p. 43.
  2. Wimmer 2018, p. 32.
  3. a b c d e Wimmer 2018, p. 33.
  4. Wimmer 2018, p. 34.
  5. Wimmer 2018, p. 38.