Didier Aslan

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Didier Aslan , also Didier Aslan-Zumpart , (born January 22, 1894 in Thessaloniki , Ottoman Empire , today Greece , † after 1953 ) was an actor of the silent film era .


Aslan was the son of a large Armenian landowner and came to Vienna at a young age. Didier was the younger brother of actor Raoul Aslan . After attending secondary school in Vienna , Aslan attended the Academy for Music and Fine Arts in Vienna. He received his first theater engagement at the Hoftheater Stuttgart . Appearances at the Volkstheater Vienna followed . In addition to plays, Aslan also appeared in operettas and revues. From the mid-1920s, Aslan also played in film. His screen debut was the role of the Duke of Soria in Gerhard Lamprecht's Die Andere .

In 1953, five years before Raoul Aslan's death, Didier Aslan published A Life Report on Raoul Aslan, a biography of his brother.



  • Aslan, Didier . In: Kurt Mühsam, Egon Jacobsohn: Lexikon des Films . Lichtbildbühne publishing house, Berlin 1926, p. 10.

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