The autonauts on the Kosmobahn

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The autonauts on the Kosmobahn. A timeless journey Paris – Marseille (Spanish: Los autonautas de la cosmopista o un viaje atemporal Paris – Marsella , French: Les autonautes de la cosmoroute, ou, Un voyage intemporel Paris-Marseille ) is a travel report by Julio Cortázar and Carol Dunlop . It goes back to a 33-day trip along the Paris – Marseille motorway that the two undertook in the early summer of 1982. The book was published in 1983 simultaneously in a Spanish and a French version. The German translation by Wilfried Böhringer was published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 1996 .


Cortázar and Dunlop had the idea of going on an "expedition" along the rest areas of the French A6 and A7 ( Autoroute du Soleil ). They wanted to drive to each of the 65 rest areas and spend the night at every second one. The exact times of arrival and departure are recorded in a “log book”, which was put into the volume more or less chronologically as intermediate texts.

Otherwise, “The Autonauts on the Cosmobahn” consists of divergent texts that mostly originate from observations at rest areas. There are also several fictional “letters from a mother” running through the volume, in which a woman tells her son Eusèbe how she repeatedly encounters the same two characters in her VW bus at the rest stops and is very surprised.


For the film “ Lucie & Maintenant ” by Simone Fürbringer, Nicolas Humbert and Werner Penzel (CH / D 2007), Océane Madelaine and Jocelyn Bonnerave repeated Cortázar's and Dunlop's undertaking once more.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lucie & Maintenant ?? - Journal nomade ,
  2. Lucie et Maintenant , 31st International Documentary Film Festival Munich , May 2008