The Lark (song)

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The Lark ( Russian Жаворонок , Schaworonok , English The Lark or The Skylark , French L'Alouette ) is a Russian piece of music from the Romantic era . The piece was written in 1840 by Michail Glinka (1804–1857) as the tenth of twelve romances in the cycle Abschied von St. Petersburg for voice and piano . The text comes from Nestor Kukolnik (1809–1868), who wrote many of Glinka's compositions. The work was best known for the transcription by Mili Balakirew (1837–1910), which he presented in 1864 . The song was sung by Galina Vishnevskaya (1926–2012) and Galina Gorchakova (* 1962) in the soprano , among others .


Russian transcription translation

Между небом и землёй песня раздаётся,
Неисходною струёй громче громче лётся.
Не видать певца полей где поёт так громко
Над подруженькой своей жаворонок звонкий.

Meschdu nebom i semljoi pesnja rasdajotsja,
Neischodnoju strujoi gromche gromche ljotsja.
Ne widat pewza polei gde pojot tak gromko
Nad podruschenkoi swojei schavoronok swonki.

A song is heard between heaven and earth,
an infinite stream of sounds rushes out louder, louder.
The singer is invisible in the field, where
the sonorous lark sings so loudly over her boyfriend.

Ветер песенку несёт, а кому, не знает.
Та комы, она поймёт, от ково, узнает!
Лейця, песенка моя песнь надежды сладкой
Кто-то вспомнит про меня и вздохнёт украдкой.

Weter pessenku nessjot, a komu, ne snajet.
Ta komy, ona poimjot, ot kowo, usnajet!
Leizja, pessenka moja pesn nadeschdy sladkoi
Kto-to wspomnit pro menja i wsdochnjot ukradkoi.

The wind carries the song, to whom he doesn't know.
Whoever sings it will know where it comes from!
Ring out, my song of sweet hope
Someone thinks of me and secretly sighs.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857) | Farewell to St. Petersburg at
  2. A Farewell to Saint Petersburg (Glinka, Michail) at
  3. a b text at