The practical Berliner

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Advertising poster for The Practical Berliner by Edmund Edel , 1905 (original color)

The Practical Berlinerin was a women's magazine that appeared in Berlin from 1905 to 1927 .


The Practical Berlinerin has been published since 1905 . Weekly for household, fashion and handicrafts published by Ullstein Verlag in Berlin. It was founded after the takeover of the magazine Dies Blatt belongs to the housewife . The magazine focused on practical information for household chores such as cooking, sewing, raising children and more. The most popular component was two pattern sheets per month, which later appeared in other Ullstein magazines ( Modenwelt ). In addition, reports and advice were given on a wide variety of other topics; there was also a serial novel .

The magazine was widely read; In 1914, according to the publisher, more than 100,000 copies were sold per week. In 1925 each issue had 96 pages. In June 1926 the circulation was 72,460 copies.

From 1926/27 onwards, The Practical Berlinerin was published by the Bazar publishing house . From the end of 1926, Dora Kellner-Benjamin , the wife of the philosopher Walter Benjamin , was the responsible editor. Under her leadership, in addition to the previous topics, more emancipatory content was included, such as a series about women who stand by their husbands, an engineer, a policewoman and an aviator. There were portraits of Paula Modersohn-Becker and Käthe Kollwitz . The serial novel Tina and the dancer by Anna Elisabet Weirauch described the love between two women.

In the course of 1927, the magazine stopped its publication and went into Die Modenwelt .


“While the men are in town, Ullstein's“ Practical Berliner ”knocks on the women's apartment doors (...) [This can] whet the appetite, the housewife the cheapest coffee pot, a morning dress for 3 Mark 70, a“ stately ”bedroom or recommend a remedy for pregnancy (...). What else can you say about the Ullstein patterns (...)? Before the woman's brain has recognized what she actually wants, Ullstein's tailors have long since guessed her dreams and sent them into her house in practical patterns. The spirits of the future mantos , blouses and lingerie have the longed-for, ideal, if only assumed paper form for the time being. "


Senior Editors


Web links

Commons : The Practical Berliner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Advertising poster Die Praktische Berlinerin SMB
  2. ^ Sylvia Almstadt: Brigitte 1886–1986. The first hundred years. Hamburg 1986, p. 39f .; the numbers may be a little exaggerated.
  3. Remembrance day in the Ullstein house. In:  Neues Wiener Journal , September 5, 1926, p. 8 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nwj
  4. Popular fashion papers. In:  The new district messenger for the political district of Bruck an der Leitha , June 26, 1927, p. 4 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / rel
  5. Eva Weissweiler: The echo of your question. Dora and Walter Benjamin. Biography of a relationship . Hamburg 2020. pp. 250-252 ; about The Practical Berliner 1927 under Dora Sophie Kellner
  6. Larissa Reissner : In the land of Hindenburg. A trip through the German republic . Berlin 1926. Ullstein