The expulsion of the devil

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Nikolai Leskov in 1872

The expulsion of the devil , also an expulsion of the devil ( Russian Чертогон , Tschertogon ), is a story by the Russian writer Nikolai Leskow , which appeared on December 25, 1879 in the St. Petersburg daily Novoje wremja under the title Christmas Eve at a Hypochondriac . Transcriptions into German have been made by Alexander Eliasberg (1921), Ruth Hanschmann (1952), Hartmut Herboth (1971) and Erich Müller-Kamp (1972).

Leskov had taken the millionaire Alexei Chludow as a model for his sinful protagonist Ilya Fedoseyevich .


The first-person narrator from Oryol , son of a deceased nobleman, lives with his mother in modest circumstances. When he went to Moscow to study, his mother asked him to visit her godly brother Ilya Fedoseevich there. The mother is of bourgeois origin and the uncle is extremely wealthy.

When the narrator introduces himself to his Moscow uncle, he spends an evening, more precisely a night, with his nephew in the Jar bar. After arriving at the restaurant, the uncle first lets all the guests out of the restaurant to compliment, invites around a hundred friends and hires two gypsy orchestras. When everyone is present, the doors are locked. After the feast, spiced with rude jokes, morning breaks. The interior was smashed by the guests. The uncle pays the entire bill. Then uncle and nephew go to the banya . Finally, both gentlemen visit the monastery with the icon of the All-Praised Mother of God . The nuns receive the uncle with the same respect as the French owner of the jar the previous evening. Ilya Fedoseevich wants to confess the sin he committed in that restaurant. The uncle does not kneel, but literally falls to the ground and remains immobile. What follows is a process that is explained to the first-person narrator by one of the nuns: the devil leaves his uncle and escapes to hell.

“Now I'm forgiven,” the uncle breathes and stands up.


2005: The Expulsion of the Devil - Russian short film by Andrei Schelesnjakow with Pyotr Veljaminow as uncle Ilya Fedosejewitsch and Yuri Tarasow as his nephew.

German-language editions

  • The expulsion of the devil. German by Hartmut Herboth. P. 5–20 in Eberhard Reissner (Ed.): Nikolai Leskow: Collected works in individual volumes. The juggler pamphalon. 616 pages. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1971 (1st edition)
  • The expulsion of the devil. Translated from the Russian by Ruth Hanschmann . P. 252–270 in Nikolai Leskow: The way out of the dark. Stories. 467 pages. Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig 1972 (Dieterich Collection, Vol. 142, 3rd edition)

Output used:

  • The expulsion of the devil. German by Hartmut Herboth . P. 426–440 in Eberhard Dieckmann (Ed.): Nikolai Leskow: Collected works in individual volumes. 4. The unbaptized priest. Stories. With a comment from the editor. 728 pages. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1984 (1st edition)

Web links


  1. Leskow probably means the Jar restaurant (Russian (р (ресторан) ).

Individual evidence

  1. russ. Рождественский вечер у ипохондрика, Roshdestvensky wetscher u ipochondrika
  2. Translator at
  3. ^ Reissner in his follow-up in the 1971 Leskow edition on p. 596, 12th Zvu
  4. Russian Арапетская икона Божией Матери , Arapetskaja ikona Boschijei Materi (Всепетая Мати, Vsepetaja Mati )
  5. Edition used, p. 440, 15. Zvu
  6. Russian Андрей Железняков
  7. Russian Вельяминов, Пётр Сергеевич
  8. Russian Тарасов, Юрий Германович
  9. Russian film on YouTube