The army

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The army

Area of ​​Expertise military
language German
Headquarters Berlin
First edition 1936
attitude 1944
Frequency of publication Fortnightly
editor High Command of the Wehrmacht
ZDB 551951-2

The Wehrmacht was the title of a German military - magazine , which from 1936 to 1944 in the German Reich appeared and the Nazi propaganda served.

The magazine was created in the course of the rearmament of the Wehrmacht . It appeared for the first time on November 6, 1936 and then twice a month in the publishing house Die Wehrmacht in Berlin-Charlottenburg . The Reich Ministry of War was the official publisher until it was abolished in the course of the Blomberg-Fritsch crisis , before the newly established Wehrmacht High Command took over this task on February 2, 1938 and appointed Bernd EH Overhues as chief editor . In addition to the normal editions, there were often special issues on certain topics, such as the booklet “We fought in Spain” , which glorified the work of the German Condor Legion .

The layout of the magazine was aimed primarily at young readers who wanted to get excited about the military. That is why “Die Wehrmacht” only cost 25 Reichspfennig and was illustrated in color. In each issue there was a main article with a specific thematic focus as well as smaller articles on current military issues. There was also a kind of feature section , puzzles and advertising. Preprints of entire books were also often published, such as the 1937 novel “U 31 - The Ship from the Beyond” by Clemens Laar . This and many other contributions were illustrated by the press illustrator Theo Matejko . In September 1944 the magazine was discontinued.


  • João Arthur Ciciliato Franzolin, Assis (São Paulo) : Die Wehrmacht - The official illustrated propaganda magazine of the German Wehrmacht for Germany and abroad 1936–1944 . Dissertation 2017. - The Europa-Universität Flensburg has published parts of this work on the Internet.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. JAC Franzolin: The propaganda magazine "Die Wehrmacht" (1935-1944)