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ZEIT Verbrechen is a German-language crime podcast by the two Zeit journalists Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker. The audio format has been part of Zeit Online's podcast range since 2018 and appears every two weeks. The podcast belongs to the True Crime genre .


Sabine Rückert, deputy editor-in-chief of Zeit and court reporter , started the format after several colleagues suggested that she make a podcast out of her former crime reports. To support her, she included Andreas Sentker, head of the knowledge department of the time, in the moderation. According to Rückert, Sentker was the ideal moderation partner for the project due to his scientific understanding and good rhetoric .

The first episode was released on April 24, 2018. Since then, a new episode has appeared every second Tuesday.


A criminal case is presented in each episode. Most of these are cases that Rückert has dealt with journalistically in the past. However, guest moderators are increasingly invited to present their own crime reports. The format illuminates both lesser-known criminal cases as well as those that have received great media coverage. Among other things, the moderators have already dealt with the Brussels terrorist attacks , the Reemtsma kidnapping or the Kiesinger slap in the face .

The cases are usually processed and discussed chronologically. The long-term consequences of the crime for victims and relatives are just as much a topic as the biography and background of the perpetrator. The legal context and possible investigative and procedural errors are also explained. Andreas Sentker acts as a link between Sabine Rückert and the listener, because although he knows the article on which the episode is based, unlike Rückert, he has not read the files or talked to relatives.


The podcast is one of the most successful German audio formats. On the 2019 annual hit list of the streaming provider Spotify , ZEIT Verbrechen took third place among the most streamed podcasts in Germany. It was thus also the most successful true crime format in the country.

In 2020 the podcast won the German Podcast Award in the category of best journalistic achievement .


At the same time as the podcast, Sabine Rückert also publishes the ZEIT - Verbrechen magazine. Some cases of the podcast are reproduced there again in text form, although the presentation can differ between the podcast episode and magazine article. Zeitverlag's magazine also contains reports, interviews and specialist articles on the subject of crime and crime.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Zeit-Online-Redaktion: Verbrechen. In: ZEIT ONLINE GmbH, April 24, 2018, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  2. Matze Hielscher: Sabine Rückert - How did you become the person you are today? In: . With pleasure GmbH, November 13, 2019, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  3. Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker: After the bomb. In: ZEIT ONLINE GmbH, June 4, 2019, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  4. Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker: The long shadow of the Reemtsma kidnapping. In: ZEIT ONLINE GmbH, December 4, 2018, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  5. ^ Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker: Why Ms. K. slapped a Federal Chancellor. In: ZEIT ONLINE GmbH, December 18, 2018, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  6. Jonas Otten: Hype aside: 8 podcasts that are really worth it. In: Axel Springer Mediahouse Berlin GmbH, August 12, 2019, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  7. MEEDIA editorial team: “Mixed Hack” and “Fest & Fluschig” are among the most streamed Spotify podcasts worldwide. In: MEEDIA GmbH, December 3, 2019, accessed on January 4, 2020 .
  8. German Podcast Prize 2020. Accessed April 10, 2020 .
  9. Zeit-Redaktion: ZEIT Verlag brings the crime magazine ZEIT VERBRECHEN into the trade. In: Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius GmbH & Co. KG, April 23, 2018, accessed on January 4, 2020 .