The golden sheep farm

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The golden sheep farm is a fairy tale . It is in Ludwig Bechstein's New German Fairy Tale Book at position 27 and comes from Wilhelm Börner's folk tales from Orlagau along with teachings from the legendary realm of 1838.


Ilsa has only one rough father and one old nurse. She walks a lot in the forest and finds a cave that is rarely open and inhabited by crickets. She wants her as one of her own, where nothing ages, and she tends the golden sheep. After all, she wants to see daylight again, the crickets reluctantly allow it. She is shocked at how everything has changed. On holidays she is allowed to look after the herd outside, sometimes people speak to the pale figure. Once a witch comes and advises her to cross the cave with the shepherd's staff, the crickets are locked up there. The witch's son wants her to be his wife right away, she crosses the mark again, you can see his face and the witch's true face. The witch holds the springwort to the crevice, the crickets come out. Ilsa only appears with the herd every seven years.


Bechstein notes that, according to Börner's correspondence, the legend is often told in the area and that he has omitted many local references. “Springwurz” probably means the mandrake or the multi-flowered white root , see also the legend about the Frohser Berg . See. For Bechstein no. 18 Zwergenmützchen in Grimm KHM 39 The Wichtelmänner .


  • Hans-Jörg Uther (Ed.): Ludwig Bechstein. New German fairy tale book. After the edition of 1856, text-critically revised and indexed. Diederichs, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-424-01372-2 , pp. 160-169, 292.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jörg Uther (Ed.): Ludwig Bechstein. New German fairy tale book. After the edition of 1856, text-critically revised and indexed. Diederichs, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-424-01372-2 , p. 292.