The great power of little Schninkel

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The great power of little Schninkel ( Le grand pouvoir du Chninkel ) is a three-part Franco - Belgian comic published between 1986 and 1987 .


The three immortals have been at war on the planet Daar for ages. The inhabitants of this world include the Schninkel, who are kept as slaves. When Schninkel J'on survived a deadly battle, the ruler of the world appears to him, who entrusts him with the task of pacifying the world within a certain period of time and protecting it from final annihilation.


Grzegorz Rosiński translated the story written by Jean Van Hamme into black and white drawings. The colorist Graza was responsible for the color version that was created later.


The story appeared in (A suivre) from 1986 to 1987 . Casterman first published the entire work in a single edition and later published a color version in three parts. The complete edition and the three individual volumes by Carlsen were published in the German-speaking area . In March 2015, a complete edition was published by Splitter Verlag.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Jean Van Hamme (French)
  2. Magazine publication (A suivre) (French)
  3. Album editions (French)
  4. Complete edition (Carlsen)
  5. ^ Album editions 1–3 (Carlsen)
  6. The great power of little Schninkel on