The story in the first

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The story in Erste is a series of reports by Westdeutscher Rundfunk for Das Erste .

In 2000 Gert Monheim and Heribert Blondiau founded the series called die story , which realizes political documentaries from Germany and abroad for WDR television and ARD. This series of broadcasts aims to illustrate relevant social developments by means of specific stories.

The 45-minute reports are broadcast irregularly on Mondays on Das Erste. So far over 180 programs have appeared.


The documentary Unwanted Healing - How Pharmaceutical Companies Prevent a Drug, broadcast on October 19, 2009 by Klaus Martens about an ointment against neurodermatitis allegedly prevented by the pharmaceutical industry for decades , initially met with positive, but then also with very critical media coverage. Some media, including the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ and the Süddeutsche Zeitung , assumed that Martens was running a PR campaign. After the film was broadcast, it became known that the patent owner had found a sales partner in the Swiss company Mavena Health Care AG who wanted to bring the cream onto the market. This was initially portrayed by Martens and the Mavena company as a coincidence or as a reaction to the film. However, since it is impossible to bring a drug onto the market in such a short time, it was assumed that - as it turned out a little later - the deal with Mavena had been arranged beforehand and timed to the release of the film. In addition, a book about the film, also written by Martens, was published shortly after the film, which was also titled Healing Unwanted .

In addition, it was criticized that the studies carried out were too small and methodologically inadequate to prove beyond doubt the effectiveness in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, as claimed in the film. The title "Heilung Unwünscht" was also criticized as manipulative and misleading, as it assumes a healing effect on neurodermatitis, which is also claimed or suggested several times in the film. In fact, atopic dermatitis is not curable.

The dispute over the film led to labor law proceedings between Martens and the WDR, which Martens won through two instances.


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