The daring adventures of the Ducks on the high seas

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The daring adventures of the Ducks on the high seas is an anthology of 25 Carl Barks stories with the Ducks selected by the writer Frank Schätzing . The band was released in 2006, the stories all (but two) take place on certain waters.


The book has 493 pages, most of which are made up of Carl Barks' comics, translated by Erika Fuchs . After the comics there is a comment by the author in which he expresses his thoughts on the story. There is also a foreword by the author Frank Schätzing (who also selected the stories) and an afterword by Denis Scheck , which revolves around his visit to Erika Fuchs in 1994. The book also includes a CD with the 63-minute interview by Denis Scheck with Erika Fuchs.


The origin of the book and the comments are explained in the epilogue by Denis Scheck: In the spring of 2003 Denis Scheck met the author in Nice to talk to him about his latest book The Swarm . When Denis Scheck, Frank Schätzing and his wife Sabine were sitting in a restaurant, they started talking about Donald Duck & Co. This is how the comments came about after the stories.


The book has been criticized in part because of the attached comments by Frank Schätzing, mainly because he is said to have focused on the success of his book The Swarm and himself. In addition, he spread theses about the sexual behavior of the ducks, which not all accept. In his opinion, Gustav Gans would like to “fuck” Donald Duck.

This interpretation apparently comes from the book Die Ducks - Psychogram of a clan . There the thesis is put forward for the first time that Gustav is gay and in love with Donald, which is why he constantly tries to impress him with his luck; his advances to Daisy were only intended to make Donald jealous.

Included stories

  • Sailing regatta in the South Seas
  • The golden helmet
  • Donald Duck on the North Pole
  • The lost ten
  • 13 trillion
  • trip to the past
  • Questionable purchase
  • The Flying Dutchman
  • The horrors of the sea
  • Easy come easy go
  • The daredevil diver
  • The beach party
  • The bet
  • Sailorless
  • Heroes and sharks
  • The quiz show
  • Christmas surprises
  • The curse of the albatross
  • Risky business
  • The post check
  • The nimble swimmers
  • The expert
  • The golden fleece
  • Wonders of the deep sea
  • The queen of the seven seas


  • Brute Goose: The Ducks - Psychogram of a clan . Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek near Hamburg 1970, ISBN 3-499-11481-X
  • Frank Schätzing (Ed.): Carl Barks: The daring adventures of the Ducks on the high seas . Marebuchverlag, Hamburg 2006, ISBN 393638424X