Diesel - dat oostfreeske Bladdje

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Diesel is the name of a magazine in the Low German language for East Frisia that was published from 1992 to 2018. The full name is Diesel - dat oostfreeske Bladdje .

History and content

This completely Low German magazine for Low German literature was published quarterly from 1992 to 2018 with a spring, summer, autumn and winter edition.

Diesel is an East Frisian word for thistle . The editors wanted to emphasize both the beauty and the pricklyness of their magazine, as well as the proximity to the Dutch sister magazines KRŐDDE and ROET , equally weeds . Issued Diesel from the Emden Carl-Heinz Dirks and Hans-Hermann breeze from the north and John Diekhoff from Aurich . Carl-Heinz Dirks was the editorial director.

In Diesel , in addition to entertaining “Dööntjes un Vertellsels”, demanding lyrical and prose texts in Low German as well as book and record reviews were published. The vast majority of the readers lived in East Frisia or have East Frisian roots, so the language of the paper was usually East Frisian Low German in the spelling presented by the East Frisian landscape. The makers of the magazine put through a uniform spelling in their paper, because, according to their conviction and experience, this was the only way to retain a reading audience. The circulation in 2012 was over 1200 copies.

In every issue of the magazine, in addition to living authors from East Friesland, writers from other parts of the Low German language area were also included, more often from Groningen , and now and then there were also Low German texts from the USA . And again and again the readers were brought closer to texts by important deceased authors, from Oswald Andrae to Moritz Jahn , Grata Schoon , Wilhelmine Siefkes to Berend de Vries .

The paper also functioned as a club magazine for the Association for East Frisian Language and Culture Oostfreeske Taal and contained four pages of information from and for the association in each issue, which were also consistently held in East Frisian-Low German.

In 2004, on the occasion of the 50th edition of Diesel , the editors were awarded the Keerlke Prize and the Totius Frisiae Seal of the East Frisian Landscape.

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