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Dietlind Weinland (born November 8, 1959 ) is a German lawyer and judge at the Federal Court of Justice .


After studying law and completing her legal clerkship , Dietlind Weinland initially worked as an academic counselor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg . She then began her career in the judiciary of the state of Bavaria in 1989 . Initially she was a public prosecutor and judge at the Nuremberg-Fürth regional court and a judge at the Nuremberg district court . 1989 to 1991 she belonged to a civil chamber of the regional court, which dealt with civil building law. She then worked as a public prosecutor for white-collar crime cases until 1998 . From 1993 to 1998 she also worked as a judge at the local court, among other things, with care , guardianship , inheritance , foreclosure and home ownership matters. In 1998 she became the full-time working group leader for the training of trainee lawyers at the regional court. From April 1 to October 16, 2001 , she was seconded to the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court on a half-post , where she was employed in a penal and fines panel.

In March 2004 she was appointed judge at the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court and in October of the same year she was seconded to the Federal Constitutional Court as a research assistant. At the Federal Constitutional Court she performed the function of press spokeswoman. After four years in Karlsruhe, she returned to the Higher Regional Court in Nuremberg as a judge on October 1, 2008. She worked at the Higher Regional Court in the 13th Civil Senate of the Higher Regional Court in Nuremberg, which dealt with appeals and complaints in general civil legal disputes and construction matters. In February 2011 she was appointed judge at the Federal Court of Justice and there assigned to the Fifth Civil Senate , which mainly deals with land, neighboring and land lease law. Since July 10, 2012 she has been the press spokesperson with a focus on civil law at the Federal Court of Justice.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deutscher Richterbund (Ed.): Handbuch der Justiz 2010/2011. The carriers and organs of judicial power in the Federal Republic of Germany . 30th year. CF Müller (imprint of the Hüthig, Jehle, Rehm publishing group), Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-8114-3916-0 , p. 118 .