Dilbar Abdurahmonova

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Dilbar G'ulomovna Abdurahmonova , ( Russian Дильбар Гулямовна Абдурахманова Dilbar Guljamovna Abdurachmanowa ; born May 1, 1936 in Moscow ; † March 20, 2018 in Tashkent ) was a Russian-Uzbek violinist and conductor. She directed the symphony orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater named after Alischer Navoi and was a professor at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan in Tashkent. In 1973 she was honored with the State Prize of Uzbekistan and in 1977 she was honored as a People's Artist of the USSR .

Individual evidence

  1. Ташкент прощается с первой на Востоке женщиной-дирижёром on nuz.uz from March 20, 2018