Peter Bexte

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Peter Bexte (* 1954 in Oelde , Westphalia) lives as an author, art and media scientist in Berlin and Cologne . Since 2008 he has held the chair for aesthetics at the Art Academy for Media in Cologne .


Peter Bexte studied German, sociology and religious studies in Marburg , Frankfurt am Main and Berlin .

In 1984 he graduated from the Free University of Berlin with a literary thesis on the motif of satanic laughter in black romanticism . 1984 to 1985 he took over the text editing of the art magazine Wolkenkratzer . In 1987 he unwillingly won an international design award. Until 1996 he worked as a freelancer for magazines, publishers, broadcasters and held various visiting professorships. In 1997 Peter Bexte received his doctorate in art studies (first reviewer: Hannes Böhringer , Kassel ). From 1996 to 2000 he curated the central department of the Berlin millennium exhibition “Seven Hills. Images and signs of the 21st century ”. The design was done by film designer and Oscar winner Ken Adam (above).

From 2001 Bexte held various guest professorships, including a. From 2005 to 2008 a three-year visiting professorship in "History and Theory of Technical Media" in the European Media Studies course ( University and FH Potsdam ). In 2008 Bexte was appointed to the chair for aesthetics at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne .


His main research interests are theories of perception, spatial concepts, relations between text and image, and scientific images. He has published on both 17th century art and 20th century classical modernism.

From 2009 to 2012 he headed a sub-project in the BMBF research association “Embodied Information” (with Gabriele Gramelsberger). From 2011 to 2017 he was a cooperation partner of the DFG graduate school “Visibility and Visibility. Hybrid forms of image knowledge ”at the University and FH Potsdam. From 2012 to 2015 he was project manager of the DFG-funded research project “At the borders of the archives. New artistic and artistic challenges in dealing with archives ”.

From 2014 to 2016 Bexte was a member of the Anthropology of Perception working group at the research facility of the Evangelical Study Community, Heidelberg. From 2015 to 2018 he was on the advisory board of the German Society for Aesthetics.

He spent the 2011/12 winter semester as a Senior Fellow at the IKKM in Weimar. In spring 2016 he was a Senior Fellow at the IFK in Vienna.

Publications (selection)

As an author:

  • Conjunction & crisis. From> and <in pictures and texts, Berlin: Kadmos 2019. 188 pages, 17 illus.
  • Focused perceptions. From heavenly views to image contemplations , in: Magnus Schlette , Thomas Fuchs , Anna Maria Kirchner (Ed.): Anthropologie der perception , Heidelberg: Universitäts-Verlag Winter 2017, pp. 221–244 (writings of the Marsilius-Kolleg, volume 16)
  • The picture journeys of Nova Reperta. About the gradual production of knowledge when replicating , in: Irina Gradinari, Dorit Mueller, Johannes Pause (eds.): Versteckt - Ververrt - Verschollen. Travel and ignorance , Wiesbaden: Reichert 2016, pp. 29–44 (Trier contributions to historical cultural studies)
  • Disconnect and connect. Or: What does 'and' mean? , in: Internationales Jahrbuch für Medienphilosophie , ed. by Dieter Mersch and Michael Mayer, Berlin: de Gruyter 2015, pp. 51–66 (reprinted in: Sch ... The Journal of the Kurt Schwitters Society, No. 6, 2016/17, pp. 1–13)
  • Wherever there is talk of seeing ... a blind person is not far away , Munich: Fink 2013, ISBN 978-3-7705-5598-7 .
  • Michel Serres , in: Image theory from France: a manual , ed. by Kathrin Busch and Iris Därmann , Munich: Fink 2011, pp. 361–369 (series of publications by the Basel sfb eikones)
  • Hear with your eyes / see with your ears. Raoul Hausmanns optophonetic intersections , in: Traces of the avant-garde: Theatrum anatomicum , ed. by Helmar Schramm, Ludger Schwarte , Jan Lazardzig, Berlin / New York: de Gruyter 2011, pp. 426–442 (Theatrum Scientiarum Volume 5)
  • The cut-away eyelids of the regulus. On the covert reception of antiquities in a word by Heinrich von Kleist , in: Kleist-Jahrbuch 2008/2009, pp. 254–266.
  • Blind seers. Perception of Perception in 17th Century Art. With an appendix on the discovery of the blind spot in 1668 , Dresden: Verlag der Kunst 1999.
  • with Werner Künzel: machine thinking / thinking machines. At the juncture of two cultures , Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag 1996
  • with Werner Künzel: omniscience and crash. The origin of the computer , Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag 1993

As editor:

  • with Valeska Bührer and Stephanie Sarah Lauke (eds.): At the borders of the archives. Archival Practices in Art and Science , Berlin: Kadmos 2016, ISBN 978-3-86599-313-7 .
  • with Gabriele Gramelsberger and Werner Kogge (eds.): Synthesis. On the boom of a philosophical term in science and technology , Bielefeld: transcript 2014
  • Denis Diderot - Writings on Art. Selected and provided with an afterword by Peter Bexte , Berlin: Philo & Philo Fine Arts 2005 (Fundus vol. 157)
  • with Gereon Sievernich (Ed.): KERN. Genes, brains, magma, quarks: interior views of the future. [Cat.] Berlin Millennium Exhibition 7 Hills: Images and Signs of the 21st Century, Berlin: Henschel Verlag 2000

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Peter Bexte: I won an international design award, and I don't know how, in: FAZ -Magazin, August 14, 1987 (illustrations: Bernd Bexte).
  2. The drafts are in the Ken Adam archive of the Deutsche Kinemathek .
  3. Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte In: , accessed on March 28, 2018.
  4. BMBF research project "Embodied Information" • Department of Philosophy and Humanities in: , accessed on 28 March 2018th
  5. ^ At the borders of the archives In: , accessed on March 28, 2018.
  6. Peter Bexte - IKKM Weimar In: , accessed on March 28, 2018.