Dirk Hachmeister

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Dirk Hachmeister (* 1963 ) is a German university professor and holder of the Chair of Accounting and Finance at the University of Hohenheim . He is also co-editor of the German-language trade journal Zeitschrift für Internationalerechnung (IRZ).


After military service and vocational training, Dirk Hachmeister studied economics at the University of Hanover from 1985 to 1990 . From January 1991 to March 1992 he was a research assistant at the Institute for Corporate Taxation and Auditing at the University of Hanover. From April 1992 to September 2000 he was a research assistant or research assistant at the seminar for accounting and auditing at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . Doctorate to Dr. oec. publ. in July 1994. Habilitation in February 2000. From October 2000 to March 2003 he held - initially as a substitute - a professorship for general business administration with a focus on "accounting and auditing" at the University of Leipzig .

Since April 2003 he has held a chair for “Accounting and Finance” at the University of Hohenheim. In addition, since April 2010 he has been the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hohenheim.

Research priorities

His scientific work focuses on company valuation and group accounting. Research on company valuation focuses on the connection between company valuation and case law as well as the question of valuation principles that are appropriate to the standard. The work on group accounting initially focused on the economically appropriate interpretation of the accounting regulations; more recent work also deals with empirical questions.

Fonts (selection)

  • Books:
    • Ballwieser, Wolfgang / Hachmeister, Dirk , company valuation. Process, methods and problems, Stuttgart (Schäffer-Poeschel), 5th edition 2016, 317 pages. ISBN 978-3-7910-3554-3
    • Thommen, Jean-Paul / Achleitner, Ann-Kristin / Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich / Hachmeister, Dirk / Jarchow, Svenja / Kaiser, Gernot, General Business Administration Workbook: Repetitionsfragen - Tasks - Solutions, Wiesbaden (Springer Gabler), 8th edition 2017 , 397 pages [esp. Accounting chap. I.5: pp. 21-24, chap. II.5: pp. 87-97 and chap. III.5: pp. 247-268]. ISBN 978-3-658-07767-9
    • Thommen, Jean-Paul / Achleitner, Ann-Kristin / Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich / Hachmeister, Dirk / Kaiser, Gernot , General Business Administration. A management-oriented approach, Wiesbaden (Springer Gabler), 8th edition 2017, 586 pages [esp. Cape. 18 Basics of corporate accounting, chap. 19 Accounting according to HGB and chap. 20 Accounting in accordance with IFRS, pp. 199–252]. ISBN 978-3-658-07767-9
  • Editorships
    • Michael Dobler / Dirk Hachmeister / Christoph Kuhner / Stefan Rammert (eds.): Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-7910-3282-5 .
    • Hachmeister, Dirk (Ed.), Immaterial values, special issue 1 of the magazine for Controlling & Management, 56th year (2012), 76 pages.
    • Hachmeister, Dirk (Ed.), BilMoG, special issue 3 of the magazine for Controlling & Management, 54th year (2010), 104 pages.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b University of Hohenheim: Chair holder: Accounting & Finance. Retrieved November 6, 2017 .
  2. a b Hachmeister, Dirk., Specialist publisher for commercial and tax law Schäffer Stuttgart: company valuation . 5th edition, revised edition. Stuttgart 2016, ISBN 978-3-7910-3554-3 .
  3. Achleitner, Ann-Kristin, 1966-, Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich, 1965-, Hachmeister, Dirk, 1963-, Kaiser, Gernot: General business administration: comprehensive introduction from a management- oriented point of view . 8th, completely revised edition. Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-07767-9 .
  4. Achleitner, Ann-Kristin, 1966-, Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich, 1965-, Hachmeister, Dirk, 1963-, Kaiser, Gernot: General business administration: comprehensive introduction from a management- oriented point of view . 8th, completely revised edition. Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-07767-9 .
  5. Ballwieser, Wolfgang, 1948-, Dobler, Michael, 1976- ,: Accounting, auditing and company valuation: Festschrift for the 65th birthday of Professor Dr. Dr. hc Wolfgang Ballwieser . Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-7910-3282-5 .