San Adrián Dolmen

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Dolmen de San Adrian - Attached passage

Between 3500 and 3000 BC Chr. Built dolmens of San Adrián is located on a small round hill near the chapel Ermita de San Adrián , north of the village Granucillo, in the valley of Almucera in the province of Zamora in Castilla y Leon in Spain .

San Adrian Dolmen - Chamber

The well-known dolmen was first described in the 1930s by Father Moran, who found eight orthostats , four of them fragmented. In 1984 three more plates were found that formed the perimeter of the oval chamber. After examining the fragments, the dolmen was restored, placing the orthostats in their original foundation pits, filling the gaps with smaller materials and restoring the mound. The capstone (s) have long been missing.

Because of its size, the complex is also officially called the Dolmen of San Adrian, but its structure is a megalithic stone box that, during the reconstruction, based on the model of the Dolmen de las Peñezuelas and other Castilian structures ( Casetón de los Moros , Dolmen del Prado de las Cruces , Dolmen of Mazariegos ) a corridor (with threshold stone ) was added.

Inside were u. a. a pearl necklace made of green variscite , several arrowheads , a set of geometric microliths and some ceramic shards from the Bronze Age were found.

Together with the Dolmen de las Peñezuelas , the San Adrián Dolmen was placed under protection in 1994 .

Web links

Commons : Dolmen of San Adrián  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 42 ° 3 '14.7 "  N , 5 ° 55' 10.8"  W.