Vinyes Mortes dolmen

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Dolmen de les Vinyes Mortes I

The dolmen of Vinyes Mortes 1 + 2 are located about 500 meters east of the Dolmen Carena , in Vilajuïga , near Pau in Catalonia in Spain . The dolmens are built from the local gneiss . The remains of the tumuli made of small stones lie around the chambers .

Vinyes Mortes 1

The bizarre-looking dolmen "Vinyes Mortes 1" ( layer ) consists of six thin, narrow, high bearing stones and the added capstone. The rectangular chamber measures approximately 2.0 × 1.4 meters and is approximately 1.7 meters high. The tips of some bearing stones were improperly restored in 1997 by Isidre Macau. The narrowed access to the chamber is oriented to the south.

Vinyes Mortes 2

The "Vinyes Mortes 2" dolmen ( location ) has a chamber measuring 3.5 × 2.6 meters and 2.4 meters high, the capstones of which are missing. The chamber is overgrown.

A few undecorated fragments of handmade pottery and a piece of flint were found . The dolmens were built from the 3rd millennium BC. BC to the Bronze Age , used for about a thousand years.

See also

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