Dolmen goddess

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In 1956, depictions in a stone chamber grave made of cord ceramics from the Dölauer Heide were designated as the dolmen goddess .

The term has also been used since 1988 for a carving from the large stone grave in Langeneichstädt in Saxony-Anhalt , which is exhibited in the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle .


  • Reena Perschke: The motif of the "dolmen goddess". On the genesis of a pseudo-Neolithic goddess cult. In: Julia Katharina Koch, Christina Jacob, Jutta Leskovar (eds.): Prehistoric and ancient goddesses. Findings - interpretations - reception (= women, research, archeology. 13). Waxmann, Münster 2020, ISBN 978-3-8309-4192-7 , pp. 19–56, here p. 27.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hermann Behrens , Paul Faßhauer, Horst Kirchner: A new interior decorated stone chamber grave made of corded ceramics from the Dölauer Heide near Halle / S. In: Annual publication for Central German prehistory. Vol. 40, 1956, ISSN  0075-2932 , pp. 13-50.
  2. Detlef W. Müller: Grave chamber of the Central German type with menhir from Langeneichstädt, Kr. Querfurt. In: excavations and finds. Vol. 33, No. 3, 1988, ISSN  0004-8127 , pp. 192-199.