Domain popularity

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Domain Popularity ( English Domain Popularity ), short domain Pop or DomainPOP is a term in the search engine optimization and describes the number of external links from different domains on a particular domain. The domain popularity is an indicator of the link popularity of a page and is one of the factors in offpage optimization . Here, the quality of the linked pages is not considered, but the number of links from different domains. If a page receives multiple links from a single domain, the domain popularity is 1.

Importance in search engine optimization

In its original version of Google , the ranking rating of a page depended on the number of backlinks. The more a page was linked, the higher the weighting of the page in the rankings. But with the abuse of the artificial pushing of a page by blackhat SEO with measures such as link exchange and link purchase, the domain Pop lost its importance. In addition to the number of referrals, other metrics such as the number of rankings, the trustworthiness of the page and the age of the page are now more in focus.

Domain popularity scope

Domain popularity is analyzed primarily in the area of ​​link building. The more a page is linked from different high-quality pages, the higher the influence on the ranking in the organic search results.